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So after faffing about with a Grizzly dab pen for a few months using wax and terspolate etc, I'd gotten annoyed with only the first hit being tasty, and the following 10 hits which all still produce vapor tasting shite. I read around that bongs and bangers are far better for taste, smoothness and so on, so got a small one with quartz banger and tried hash, weed (in the usual bowl) and dabs with some crumble in the banger.
1. First of all, I didn't find going through water made any of it any easier on the throat really at all. I dunno maybe I should try water out the fridge or something?
Secondly, I didn't wanna heat too much as to go beyond proper "vape" temperature, so I heated a fair bit, let cool about 10 seconds if that, and when dropping a small bit of crumble, it only produced visible vape when applying the bubble cap, not alot of it, and left a fair pool in the bottom. Thereafter, every new drop of crumble actually tasted just like afterburn, maybe cuz there's still old stuff left in the banger? Is this why people often clean the banger with cotton bud and alcohol on every single melt? It seems doing that wastes a fair bit of oil though, which you would later maybe reclaim?
2. Would it be best to say that if u do low temps then clean it as u go, but if doing high temps isn't necessary as high temp will still give a decent taste?
I tried later much hotter and it seems it leaves alot less oil and also the fresher taste started to come back BUT this is obviously too hot for the lungs, health wise I'd say.
Being a noob, I've also noticed the whole thing getting oiled up pretty darn quick, I just wonder what happens to that build up in the lungs, does the body dissolve it or is it a health hazard? Obviousy ingesting oil through the stomach is meant to be healthy, and there's a whole bunch of stuff about water soluble oils/sprays being made now, which they claim the body can absorb a whole lot better.
3. I'm not sure how that works but it just leaves me thinking even at a lowish vape temp, the lungs are still gathering oil perhaps? I'm defo producing alot more phlegm than usual and coughing for a day+ afterwards.

So after faffing about with a Grizzly dab pen for a few months using wax and terspolate etc, I'd gotten annoyed with only the first hit being tasty, and the following 10 hits which all still produce vapor tasting shite. I read around that bongs and bangers are far better for taste, smoothness and so on, so got a small one with quartz banger and tried hash, weed (in the usual bowl) and dabs with some crumble in the banger.
1. First of all, I didn't find going through water made any of it any easier on the throat really at all. I dunno maybe I should try water out the fridge or something?
Secondly, I didn't wanna heat too much as to go beyond proper "vape" temperature, so I heated a fair bit, let cool about 10 seconds if that, and when dropping a small bit of crumble, it only produced visible vape when applying the bubble cap, not alot of it, and left a fair pool in the bottom. Thereafter, every new drop of crumble actually tasted just like afterburn, maybe cuz there's still old stuff left in the banger? Is this why people often clean the banger with cotton bud and alcohol on every single melt? It seems doing that wastes a fair bit of oil though, which you would later maybe reclaim?
2. Would it be best to say that if u do low temps then clean it as u go, but if doing high temps isn't necessary as high temp will still give a decent taste?
I tried later much hotter and it seems it leaves alot less oil and also the fresher taste started to come back BUT this is obviously too hot for the lungs, health wise I'd say.
Being a noob, I've also noticed the whole thing getting oiled up pretty darn quick, I just wonder what happens to that build up in the lungs, does the body dissolve it or is it a health hazard? Obviousy ingesting oil through the stomach is meant to be healthy, and there's a whole bunch of stuff about water soluble oils/sprays being made now, which they claim the body can absorb a whole lot better.
3. I'm not sure how that works but it just leaves me thinking even at a lowish vape temp, the lungs are still gathering oil perhaps? I'm defo producing alot more phlegm than usual and coughing for a day+ afterwards.