For Perspective: How Common Are Dry-Herb Vapes Where You Live?


Well-Known Member
Here in Florida, I don't think vaping is prevalent, but for the first two years that flower was available the only way you could buy it was in a capsule designed to fit in a Volcano or a Flowermate. When I got my first med card a dispensary first time user special let me get a Flowermate for free. That's really why I came back to flower after using carts. Since there was no way I was going to smoke as frequently as I wanted to use the herb I figured why not give DHVs a shot. I've convinced a few friends so far, but it still seems like an immature market. I think the Venty is the first product I could recommend to anyone regardless of how they use it, but at $400 that's a hard sell for someone that's never tried it before
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37% vape according to the 2024 Canadian Cannabis Survey.
Wish they had broken into vape pens and DHV.
  • The proportion of people in Canada who report smoking cannabis continues to decline. That said, smoking remains the most common method of consuming cannabis (69%), followed by eating (57%) and vaporizing with a vape pen or e-cigarette (37%).
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I'm in Ohio for the month and I just bought weed from an OH dispensary for the first time, and I was surprised to see that the little sticker on the mylar indicates that the flower is for vaporization. Also was surprised that they sell by the 10th haha

I wonder what regulations led to that line on the sticker. I know that medical programs sometimes insist that patients vaporize, maybe it's just a relic of that?
The UK medical laws state you have to vape your flower but very few do.

The point about dispensaries not recommending anything that will encourage efficiency is a great point. The reduction in weed needed would mess with dispo sales if everyone switched to vaping flower, obviously not going to happen though.

Most of the people I know that use vapes I've either gifted them one or let them try mine which made them buy their own.

There are quite a few people I know that have been amazed when trying a Dynavap yet never bothered to actually get one even though they're accessible price-wise.


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
My awareness of vaping came from a neighbour maybe 4 years ago, who showed me their Firefly 2, which they bought in holiday in Vegas. These were C-19 times so obviously we didn't share. But it interested me sufficiently to buy my first few Amazon electronic nasties.

Since I've become more knowledgeable and experienced (via Reddit, then here) I've gifted various Dynavaps, Danis and Vapmans to literally everyone I know who uses cannabis, but with limited success. The two folks who use electronic nicotine vapes have not been that enthusiastic tbh, (which has surprised me given their love of tinkering with raspberry pis and other makerist proclivities) and the others who mostly smoke cigs continue to spark up.

Lack of awareness is not so bad. Given this, and the lack of smell, I no longer hide my Vapman use in public, especially when I'm outside around smokers or vapers of nicotine in pub gardens or cafe terraces etc. I worry that my private sessions with friends easily descend into ”you must try x, y, or z” with each option requiring a larger torch than the last. Breaking out a massive torch to heat glass till it changes colour (eg with the Dreamwood Goblin) is usually the time people start to make their excuses and leave. I imagine it's the vaping equivalent of having a facial tattoo.


Well-Known Member
I don't know any people that use dry herb vapes in New Jersey. A few of my neighbors use pot, but they smoke it. In 2022 when NY and NJ legalized and my company stopped testing for THC I bought an old fashion one hitter (think the metal bat in a wooden case with a compartment for herb). I had not had any THC in 25 years. I had quit smoking cigarettes and wanted to minimize smoking. I quit cigarettes using a nicotine vape and started researching THC vapes, thinking I would be using something similar with liquid THC. I never got an extract type vape because I found dry herb vapes and bought a firefly2+. It was finicky, but I saw the promise and bought a DAVINCI IQ2 a few months later, it was better than the FF2+, but I knew there had to be something easier to use. Then I found FC and used all of the information available here and got a Mighty, then a TinyMight, then all of the other vapes in my signature. The Firefly is somewhere in a drawer and I have given away the DAVINCI, the Mighty, and a Crafty+. The only two people I know that vape dry herb are the people I gave my old vapes (one lives in Vermont and one in California). I gave my brother the Mighty, but he does not use pot often, and when he does he prefers edibles. The other day I was at a dispensary in NJ and when I mentioned a vape the bud tender assumed I was talking about an extract type vape and knew almost nothing about dry herb vapes. Very happy I found FC (though it does feed my VAS).
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Well-Known Member
I think the thing we are all missing here is that if you want to do Cannabis and get high you can get papers or a cheap pipe and you have smoke. CHEAP (don't forget the screen & the Bic)

With any type of DHV it is NOT an inexpensive exercise , there is more than a trivial cost associated and you gotta be committed to want to do it.

The good people of FuckCombustion spread the word about DHV !!


Well-Known Member
No one except my wife and son that i know or have ever vaped around has ever heard of dry herb vapes. Wife and kid both knew about them independently of me, and in fact my wife's friend in Brazil who wanted one is how i know about them (unfortunately intercepted by customs, and sent back to us).

I live an hour north of NYC, so not exactly podunkville.


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
With any type of DHV it is NOT an inexpensive exercise , there is more than a trivial cost associated and you gotta be committed to want to do it.
Any type? $15 for something like the vaphit isn't that expensive for a solid, reusable device that outperforms many devices 10x the cost. Maybe you need to spend $5 extra for an eagle lighter. In the UK $20 wont even buy you a box of decent papers.

It's easy to get distracted by the three figure devices so many people love on FC, but it's really possible to do this much more cheaply.

If only people spoke about the delights of cheap devices more, entrists wouldn't waste time on crappy $50 electronics and would instead discover the delights of things like TRWW Quartz Cap mini, or the tester.

But you're right. Headshops often sell expensive crap, and folks often only discover budget options after wasting a lot of money first.


Well-Known Member
Any type? $15 for something like the vaphit isn't that expensive for a solid, reusable device that outperforms many devices 10x the cost. Maybe you need to spend $5 extra for an eagle lighter. In the UK $20 wont even buy you a box of decent papers.

It's easy to get distracted by the three figure devices so many people love on FC, but it's really possible to do this much more cheaply.

If only people spoke about the delights of cheap devices more, entrists wouldn't waste time on crappy $50 electronics and would instead discover the delights of things like TRWW Quartz Cap mini, or the tester.

But you're right. Headshops often sell expensive crap, and folks often only discover budget options after wasting a lot of money first.
Ad a Dynavap B series to that list! $39 for a device not fragile.


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
Most people I know would not be interested in using a torch to vape this way
That's interesting. My engineering minded friends (the types who fiddle with Arduinos/Linux/steam powered toy trains) all get the appeal of my low tech butane vapes, even if they don't actually use them. Just like I understand why learning Fortran in 2020 might be fun, even though I might personally view it as a complete waste of time. Fortran ffs


Well-Known Member
That's interesting. My engineering minded friends (the types who fiddle with Arduinos/Linux/steam powered toy trains) all get the appeal of my low tech butane vapes, even if they don't actually use them. Just like I understand why learning Fortran in 2020 might be fun, even though I might personally view it as a complete waste of time. Fortran ffs
I see the analogy of some of it with Purist High End Audio equipment as well. All those old Vacuum tube amplifiers in monoblock configuration. No bells & Whistles. Fiddlly tuntables (MC) now spinning $50 vinyls. Digital is minimized to the maximum extent possible.


New Member
Scotland here. People in my circle are more aware of disposable liquid vapes than DHV. I think definitely cost and culture is a factor. Given the legal issues people don't want to spend time and flower experimenting to find the right vape for them.

I have one friend who, like me, wants to eliminate tobacco (harder for him than me as I wasn't as into tobacco as him but I'm a more regular flower user so evens out) so we have our vape chats but it's still pretty rare.

That being said I have smelled DHV at concerts so awareness is growing.

Cmdr. Redeye

Former Cylon sheriff
My doc actually recommended DHV. I tried everything, then came back to it.

At least two local (FL) budtenders DHV, one with the same Lobo I have.

Cmdr. Redeye,
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So very local to me, they opened a Vape store . I paid no attention until i had to go to that shopping plaza one day and decided to see what they had in that store. If anything, i expected them to carry low end Chinese brands like Yocan or the generic version of that. (not disparaging Yocan since I've never tried their stuff)

It was a PATHETIC store ! there was virtually nothing in there i even recognized w all the damn ejuice or whatever, LOL.

I eventually asked the clerk if they had anything for cannabis & he pointed me to a small display w papers, pipes & a few non-descript bongs. I specifically asked him if there were any vaporizers ? implying cannabis since that was the thing i was looking and all he did was point me to a giant display of disposable vapes. Judging by his reaction I don't know if he actually knew there were vapes specifically for cannabis.

to me that says it all. I think we should adopt the term DHVaping to differentiate ourselves from all that other Vaping crap. (Well maybe not crap to some people)
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