For my first ever Vape. How much?

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New Member
Hey guys,

I'd rely like to keep on the side of caution. When I was younger I was at a party and we were sharing out Speed. Wanting to look cool I assured everyone I was a regular. Really, it was the first time Id even seen speed.
We all took a third of the score each and, well I took it, in one go. My mates were amazed. They said I must have a tolerance as that was a weeks supply for them!!

I was up straight for more than 4 days. Its funny now but I could have killed myself. Im supersede I didn't have a heart attack. Idiot!

Anyhoo. So, present day. Here I am again. However this time I want to look new, not cool.

First ever Vape, how much do I need guys?

I got what we call Skunk here in UK and know I have to grind it first re surface area.

Seems as its my first time I only want one gentle hit. Ill work up from there myself

Can anyone tell me what weight I should use? I can take a photo of the weed Ive got if it helps.




New Member
Okn so whilst I'm waiting for an answer I went ahead and gave this a shop.

I put the small bit of weed in the Vaporiser and heated it to 220. ( Do you have to leave it heating - If so how long?)

The I took a drag and ………. Bot all.

Also, do you just leave the weed there in the chamber with the heat on? Doesn't it all just vaporise so next time you go back its all escaped out the end? Do you have to keep your thumb over it or anything?


Oil Painter
Hi Loch.

Using a good, mains connected vaporizer, I use about 0.05 - 0.1 of herb per session. You want the heated air passing through it to be about 180 - 220 C, but you'll have better flavor, and headier effects, on the lower end of that scale. 220C should just about put you to sleep! :)

Take a good, lungfill pull, hold for a few seconds, release, wait a few minutes, and repeat. Stir the herb. You may get about a half dozen pulls before flavor goes bad, vapor vanishes, or you just aren't getting much.

Wait about a half hour to see how you really feel.


stay true to yourselves
Sorry, what type of vaporizer is it? 180-220/230 sits well with me, and I put in about as much as you would expect to pack into a normal sized bong cone piece. A standard universal dose :)
First few hits may not yield vape, however as it heats up (by inhalling! not by letting it sit and heat up on it's own!) it will eventually start putting out wispy goodness!
Don't multipost either, my man! Mods will come down on you hard with merciless brutality and psychotic lack of empathy.
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