And I found something. No more double boiler setup for me...I got one of these, off of the bay for a little over $100 (I've seen them at some websites for about $100 more)...these things retail at about $1100! Link to mfr site
and pic from there
I can put an 8"x8" square pyrex directly in contact with the square as you will see in the following pics. I definitely have to play with temps and such...I started too low...I then brought the temp of the plate way up...started seeing liquid temps slowly creeping soon as I hit 95*F in the liquid, I started decreasing temp. With the IR temp gun, I monitored and adjusted the hot plate temp down all the way until the liquid was gone while maintaining 95-98*F in the oil

Al in all, it took less than an hour to get to what you see below.
I also do not scrape anymore...thanks to
@2clicker for recommending that
Without further ado....
Cool how the oil formed an "F" pattern...wheres the "C"? lol