For all you dog owners...


Serial vapist
I just got done watching an extremely fascinating documentary that had aired (not sure when) on BBC 1 i think the shows called "Horizon" and the particular episode dealing with dogs is "The Secret Life of the Dog". More info can be found here:

It focuses largely on scientific researchers who have set out to discover reasons for the strong bongs that develop between dogs and their owners. It deals with how the dogs read our facial expressions in a similar way to how we do, how humans can tell what the dogs emotions are based on their barks, how an owner petting and giving attention to their dog releases chemicals in our bodies (as well as theirs i believe they said) that are also triggered in mother when breastfeeding her child, and its this chemical that develops the bonds between the two in both cases. Also deals with the evolution of the dog and how its ancestors or whatever didnt bark, and how they believe it was something they developed after domestication just to be able to communicate with man.

Bunch of other interesting stuff that I can try to relay some more, but i think ppl should just try to find a way to watch it themselves or google into the research tahts been done on dogs lately in the UK, Sweden and another European country i cant remember.


vapor newb
very interesting , i love dogs i hav a jack russell over 16 yrs now
maybe in the future dogs will develop the ability to speak that would be awesome :)


Serial vapist
other findings in the episode:

dogs recognize human body communication better than chimps. They did a bit where they hid a treat under one of two cups/bowls and the human pointed at the right one. The chimps didnt even seem to notice the pointing but nearly all the dogs followed it. They showed a dog in Austria that is capable of identifying... hundred of objects. The owner would tell the dog to get a carrot and the dog would run and get the carrot-shaped toy. Then they showed the dog an object and it went into the other room and grabbed the matching one out of a pile. Then they showed the dog a picture of an object and it went and got the one in the picture.

they showed research that has been on domesticating wolves and dogs. They tried raising wolves like puppies but after so many months the wolves started acting like regular wild wolves. In siberia they have been doing research for like 50+ years on domesticating grey foxes through breeding. They observed how the foxes interacted with humans and found a majority reacted with hostility or fear, with something like 1% showing neither and being more neutral. They selected this 1% for breeding, and after a few generations the litters had NO foxes that werent friendly to humans. They also had a control group of foxes that were selected and bred for aggression, and that idea worked out just as well. They tried having a domesticated mother fox raise a aggressive little fox, and even injected embryos from hostile into domesticated, and the foxes still turned out aggressive. So this led them to think that domestication is largely due to genetics. They also noticed that the domesticated foxes started developing different physical characteristics after so many generations, different fur colors and patterns, curlier tails and ears that stayed floppy for longer after puppyhood (or whatever the right term is). So they are thinking that basically the wolves and wild animals that dogs came from developed these cute appearances while becoming domesticated.

perhaps the most interesting part was that they are using dogs to help research into cure for human illnesses, the particular instance they used was cardiomyopathy, something that boxers are susceptible to. They compared teh dna of large amounts of healthy boxers and boxers with cardiomyopathy and found differences in 1 or two genes in particular, mutations of which they are now confident causes the disease. They say they are at least decades ahead in research thanks to what they were able to do with dogs.

That, along with facts the dogs decrease your risk of heart attack AND increase your likelihood of surviving one kinda make owning a dog a smart decision i'd say lol.

and i love my baby too



i was actually just telling someone the other day how i think i have a stronger bond between my dog (he's a year older or so now, those ar ejust the only pics i have on photobucket atm lol) than i do most friends or relatives lol
Ain't nothin' like being vaped as hell, and petting a dog. I am definitely more of a dog person than a cat person, though that's largely based on allergies. That being said, I believe there is more of a bond between dogs and humans, than cats and humans. You can just tell in how they interact with us.


Well-Known Member
I miss having schnauzers. :( I was told I even look like them but I always have facial hair at least a goatee.

I remember once I ate mushrooms and the one schnauzer she did not like my dilated eyes at all and got freaked out and barked a lot at me, but my cat was fine with them.


Well-Known Member
SkeletonLips said:
Ain't nothin' like being vaped as hell, and petting a dog. I am definitely more of a dog person than a cat person, though that's largely based on allergies. That being said, I believe there is more of a bond between dogs and humans, than cats and humans. You can just tell in how they interact with us.
Yeah, probably in general, but don't totally log out cats in this. I had a cat that thought that he was a dog. He'd fetch little pieces of cellophane that I rolled up in a ball and snaped them across the room. He'd bring it back, drop it in front of me, and look up as if to say, "Hey idiot. Throw it again." Just like a dog. We also got him one of those twerlly feathers on a long string attached to a plastic rod that we played with him with. In the mornings, he'd grab it in his mouth and drag it (we could hear him dragging it behind him on the floor) in our bedroom, jump up on the bed with it in his mouth, drop it right near our heads and look at us and meow, just like a dog who wanted to play. He interacted with us just like a dog would do.

Was watching a program on television, and they were discussing the intelligence of dogs. They said that contrary to popular belief, a dog that is easier to train is less intelligent than a dog that is hard to train, because a dog who is smart wants to do their own thing and rejects training............kind of like cats. Never thought of it that way before.

btw, did any of you guys see that vid of a dog who led a police cruiser to a burning house? If not, I'll post it up. Pretty amazing stuff. The dog kept looking over it's shoulder to make sure that the cruiser was following him.

I then saw a program on elephants last night, and it showed how elephants express emotion, that they feel sadness, that they comprehend what death is. I truly believe that we haven't even begun to scratch the surface as to how smart animals really are. Our intelligence is based up our ability to change our environment and yet, they have learned how to adapt without changing anything. Makes ya wonder who in the hell is REALLY smarter.


Well-Known Member
I have always raised AMAZING dogs. It is simply a matter of getting the dog as a weaned puppy and raising them with love and affection. and plenty of play time. I am now on my third dog (I am 33.) My first was a Doberman that lived to a healthy Sixteen before being hit by a car. The second a Chiwawa, I raised until 2 and was living with my mother at the time. I decided it was time to move out and could not take myself and my dog from her at the same time, so I left her for my mother. They are now inseparable. My latest friend is a mini-pin that at 2 years old is bordering on physic ability to read me. She is hyper (a breed trait) but loyal, smart, and affectionate. Dog is man's best friend, 60,00 years of breeding can't be wrong.

Check this out.


vapor accessory addict
My dogs have always been my favorite company. I've had three now; a schnauzer, a wheaten terrier, and my latest which is a small mixed breed. Usually don't go for what I call "foofy" dogs (poodles, etc.) but because I am arthritic, I needed a dog I could manage so I opted for this smaller mix that I'm pretty sure has some poodle in in. This dog is the cutest little guy and has definitely been the easiest to train. I've never had a dog bred to be a companion dog before (both others were terriers and very independent) and this dog is glued to my hip. I thought it was easier to train him because he is so smart but after reading the above, I wonder....

When my wheaten died, I realized how lonesome you can be, even in a house full of people. There's something about that warm little (or big) body snuggled up to you, those trusting eyes following your every move, the total dependance on you for food and love (and constantly wanting to go either in or out) that fills up your day in a way that isn't noticed until they aren't there. As I'm typing this, my dog has assumed his position next to me on the chair, smooshed between me and the armrest.

Things are as they should be. :)


King Of The Loons
I love dogs. Iv'e had dogs my entire life. Right now I have three, one Doberman (125 lb-male), one Labrador (91-lb male), and one Sheba Enu (33-lb female). Yes, the Dobe is really 125 lb's, he's of the Warlock line which is bred for thier large bone structure. I also have two cats, and everyone gets along. They are my absolute best friends and I consider them to be family. Our family (pack) is actualy centered around a pack mentality where I am the alpha male, and my wife is the alpha female. Below that there is the pecking order of the pack. For me dogs make the world go round. I figure that my dogs have a vocabulary of about a two year old human. Its all in how you raise them. Actualy I perfer then to a two year old human.
I had a female North American Timber Wolf named Nova. I got her when she was only 8 weeks old. Raised her to be a fine example of a wolf. Raising a wolf is not for everyone as they are not dogs and have to be treated in whole different manner or things can get out of hand very quickly. With a wolf body language and eye contact is everything. She passed away 3 years ago of old age at 11 years which is old for a wolf. :( She had her own bedroom (her den), and loved tummy rubs. She would lay on her back exposing her underside (a
submissive gesture) and get her tummy rub.


Combustion free since '09
We're dog lovers here!

Still miss our old yellow lab that's been gone for several years. He was with us 11 1/2 years. We always rented vacation places that would allow our furry friend to join us.

My husband is out fishing now with his best buddy..... Our dog :D You just mention fishing and the dog is ready to jump in the boat. He's an 89lb bull mastiff mix and an integral part of the family.


Serial vapist
lwien said:
Yeah, probably in general, but don't totally log out cats in this. I had a cat that thought that he was a dog. He'd fetch little pieces of cellophane that I rolled up in a ball and snaped them across the room. He'd bring it back, drop it in front of me, and look up as if to say, "Hey idiot. Throw it again." Just like a dog. We also got him one of those twerlly feathers on a long string attached to a plastic rod that we played with him with. In the mornings, he'd grab it in his mouth and drag it (we could hear him dragging it behind him on the floor) in our bedroom, jump up on the bed with it in his mouth, drop it right near our heads and look at us and meow, just like a dog who wanted to play. He interacted with us just like a dog would do.
Lol sounds like my cat. He comes when you whistle, something we discovered when we were trying to call the dogs one day but only the cat came lol. My g/f can also make a fake little scream for help and the cat will come rushing from 3 floors away and onto her lap. He also almost ALWAYS crosses his front paws when he lays down. I've even watched him intentionally cross his paws after laying down lol.

SmokieMcP said:
yeah, that article is about one of the things they covered in this docu, how the dogs eyes drift to the left like humans do when they look at someones face. I even noticed this with my dog after watching it. I also did some expression tests with him. He was across the room from me and i said his name to get his attention and he look at me. I didnt show any emotion and he kinda thumped his tail once at first but just sat still otherwise. Then i smiled at him and his tail started wagging. I stopped smiling and his tail stopped wagging. I made a scared/shocked face :o and he got all concerned and got up and came over and rubbed/leaned on me and then tried getting near my face to lick me (same thing he does if someone cries, screams, says "ouch!" or anything else that makes them seem in distress).

They're definitely both fascinating creatures, couldnt live without either.


vapor accessory addict
This is the kind of stuff that shows what a softie I am (and obviously you too lwien). It brought tears to my eyes.


Well-Known Member
momofthegoons said:
It brought tears to my eyes.
Me too. Happy tears for the dog in the vid, and sad tears to think of all the dogs being put down.


Well-Known Member
Nice Story. I love animals. I dont think I've ever met a stoner that was not an Animal Lover. I beleive the hype behind the K9's intellegence because my Doberman/Dalmation/Pitbull mix is smarter then some humans even. He knows at least 30 different words and pays more attention then a college student in lecture. Hey Steiner... 3 questions for you: What kind of dog do you have? Whats up with the username and pentagram? You a satanist?? LOL! Is that you with your dog?? Very Cute! Yes your dog is adorable too. ;)


Serial vapist
My dog (Amon) is a hound/dane mix, and thats my g/f with him in the picture above :p

I don't worship satan (or believe that he even exists), but I have opposed the beliefs and teachings of christianity since i was a child... more in favor of atheism than satanism or any other religious beliefs though. Still, its something that didnt sit too well with my overly religious parents, private school teachers/principals or anyone else who attempted to convince me otherwise. I've been accused of being possessed (had a few exorcisms attempted on me as a child/teenager at school/church) and/or satanist more times than i can count. What did i do to be singled out and persecuted like this? Animal sacrifice? defacing religious icons? breaking the law in any way? No, i just refused to participate in prayer or "accept jesus", and I listened to "satanic" bands like nirvana and metallica, was well behaved otherwise.

After a while, i kinda embraced the whole "666" "evil" label sarcastically, as well as to kinda signify my resolve to not be forced into believing in anything.


Well-Known Member
steiner666 said:
I've been accused of being possessed (had a few exorcisms attempted on me as a child/teenager at school/church) and/or satanist more times than i can count. What did i do to be singled out and persecuted like this? Animal sacrifice? defacing religious icons? breaking the law in any way? No, i just refused to participate in prayer or "accept jesus", and I listened to "satanic" bands like nirvana and metallica, was well behaved otherwise.
OMG !! That's awful. You actually had exorcisms performed on you as a child because you didn't accept Jesus as your savior and you listened to Nirvana and Metallica? Fuck, that's insane. I'd hate to think what they would have done with me.......:uhoh:. Probably burned me at the stake. :ninja:

Extremism really, really irks me regardless where it comes from, including atheistic extremism, because, yeah, it can raise it's ugly head in that realm also (not implying that you are one of those, steiner). Extremism is born from looking at the world in black and white without realizing that black and white is a VERY small part of the whole picture, and that the world we play in is primarily made up in shades of gray.


Well-Known Member
Thats very unfortunate. That just goes to show you that pot itself in not good or evil. Its actually both good and evil all rolled up into one. You gotta take the bad with the good (for now). Stoners come from all different backgrounds and walks. By the way, Steiner, just to let you know, I am a Jew who happens to also beleive in Jesus. :)
God (who is very much real and alive) has revealed some very interesting things to me while I have been meditating and praying after partaking in my Jewish right to the holy burning of insense. If you are interested, I'd love to share them with you some time. I promise no judgement passed on you by me, and I also promise you that no one in your sunday school knows what I know. When I reveal the revelations that God has bestowed upon me, people literally get the shivers up and down their spine. :o

Now that we've seen your girl friend and your dog, you gotta post up a pic of yourself. :brow:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
-Point well taken..

Damn, this has nothing to do about dogs. Sorry. And now, back to your regularly scheduled forum topic.........


Well-Known Member
macbill said:
Damn, this has nothing to do about dogs. Sorry. And now, back to your regularly scheduled forum topic.........
LOL. You should have seen the shit I wrote above before I deleted it.
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