Follow up Volcano questions...

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

So I was planning on picking up a Volcano for Christmas and after doing a bunch of research and asking everyone I could find I decided to go with the classic / easy valve. I am happy with my decision, and I don't regret not getting the digital. The classic does everything that I need it to do, and is a very nice machine. The guys at the head shop were telling me it was going to change my life when I was paying for it. I was pretty anxious to open it Christmas morning and run upstairs to my room and test it out. Being a first time user of the product and also not a very experienced vaporizer user I have some questions that I would like to find answer to.

1. I have two grinders. I have a SharpStone four piece grinder with kief catcher and all and then I have the grinder that came with my Volcano. And I have been using the Volcano grinder and I have noticed that it grinds my herb very fine and I wonder if this is bad. I know that I heard it is best to grind your herb a good amount but how fine should it be ground to, I don't want to be making it to fine.

2. Before using this one I have never used one in my life but I feel like my Volcano is always needing to reheat. Like it will heat up and then stay heated for maybe five minutes and then need to reheat again, is this normal or should I be worried?

3. How can you tell when it time to get a new bag. Today I switched out bags for the first time and the reason I did was because the other bag was starting to get colored a yellowish and also you could see little grains of herb flying around in the bag. So what ways do yall use to be able to to tell when its time for a new bag.

Also I have been keeping my temp between 6-7. Starting usually right on 6, so any suggestion for better temperatures and procedures that you might use please add.

Thanks in advance for your help,



Well-Known Member
1. Use whichever one you prefer doesnt matter, but the more surface area the more vapor, so if you have powder your first bag will be very dense

2. its fine

3. change the bag if you notice its getting yellow or sticky, if the you notice a change in flavor, or if to much herb gets into it

Stop worrying and enjoy your vape


Well-Known Member
When I want to spend a lot of time vaping, I start at five, and stays at 5.5 until I alsmost don't get any vape, then I start gowing up. Stopping at 7, some times 8.

enjoy anyway
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