Mine arrived and had to test it out.
Initial thoughts:
Nice design and look (as someone said looks like a flash drive when folded)
The ability to stow the pipe internally is a great idea.
Tried the dregs of my Chiesel through it and it gave thick clouds straight away on I had it on Purple setting as it was sunny and it looked blue until a brief cloud passed over (not from the FM!) it produced good vape 30 seconds in and never disappointed after a while I tried red briefly and it was pretty much done by a few draws in fact it didn't hit auto shutdown (lost track of time

Emptied it and the ABV was a very even brown colour.
Seems to be just what I needed and it fills the hole of a more discreet portable vape. I find the PnP hard to get more than 3 sessions off a number 3 charge (if you start on 2 and try to change to 3 mid vape it doesn't like to do it). The solo is not really portable in the sense I want it too be. The Lotus is great but outdoors you look crack headish and the flames hard to control under windy conditions and I find it hard to focus the flame in bright sunlight but is ideal for indoors use.
The FM ticks the outside/easily portable boxes for me, it works and was cheap £64 including delivery and it's the new model with glass, which the vape flavour was a lot better than I anticipated.
It will interesting to see how many loads I can get out of it - will probably use setting 1, then 2 not sure about if there's much left by 3 that will require some more experiments
Smiss have built a budget price vape that far exceeds its expectations?