VERY surprised if you say this outclouds the Elevape, which has 3 user programmable heat settings? Ditto I've been curious and watching that one too, but the $300 pricetag scared me away from that one.
My Green FMVV (FlowerMate Vapormax V) was delivered today (as well as my GB-189 but that's for a different FC thread). I got home, box was very small, cut it open with my OpenX, unwrapped and saw it was shrinkwrapped, phew #1. It comes nicely and luxuriously packaged in a high quality nesting box, so props for presentation, but my worthless Atmos Raw was similarly packaged, so we know how non-important that is.
I'll answer what most are curious about first. Does it medicate well? I'll agree with everyone else the answer is YES. I would say the vape signature for me is HIGHLY similar to the Pinnacle Pro, meaning a more conduction-based high which for me is more body mellowing, chamber seems to hold just a bit less material than a bullet. Also I do kief sandwiches in my PnP bullets, but I won't be putting kief into the FMVV oven chamber as I'm afraid it would gunk it up.
Back to the other stuff, so I opened it up and immediately removed the mouthpiece and plugged the unit into the charger which blinked red twice then went steady red. I unscrewed the mouthpiece parts, separated the ceramic screen and put it all the mp parts into a small ultrasonic jewelry cleaner with some dish soap, hoping that would accelerate the silicon smell removal (it did a little). I let that sit for about 20 minutes, then rinsed it all out and went to give the unit a spin while it's charging.
Loaded up the chamber with a couple scoops of finely ground flowers (I don't weigh, sorry), it can get messy, would appreciate anybody's tips for easy dump and load on the go. Turned on the unit (I like the led chamber light so far) and before you know it, the green ready light was on, boy that was QUICK, much quicker than PnP as
@mephisto mentioned above. VERY impressed with the heat up time, that rivals the Herbalizer for crying out loud. I did take a couple puffs during heat up to grab some of that low temp bouquet vapor.
Took a few pulls to get the herb heat soaked and then I took puff after puff of very nice clouds, I'd say the equivalent of PnP green level 2, high creeped a bit but once going was very nice as described above and lasted quite well. It was warm but not cough inducing (but I have conditioned my throat for hot dry vapor with the PnP). Vapor pooped out for me about 5 minutes into the session, but I was taking continuous puffs off of it and I like deep draws, so I may spend a load faster than others.
I had to go out and came back about 2.5 hours later to a green fully charged FMVV.
I will be using this instead of my PnP as a portable for now as I'm awaiting the gPong exchange program which has yet to materialize, although the PnP is much easier to empty and load with it's bullet system, I'll have to figure something out to do with this if I want more than one session on the go, I may have to carry a Jyarz of grounds and a scoop around with it.
Here are some more specific thoughts:
BUILD QUALITY - Is excellent, very solid feeling, not a cheap toy. EXCEPT for the bottom and top doors, which are plastic and while they close tightly now, I agree with others who have said they are afraid of those loosening and being useless over time. Otherwise, it's a quality piece, well thought out and executed. I am not going to comment on the airpath issue, that's been covered plenty and I am fine with this for what it is and it seems safe enough.
I actually found it to be smaller than expected, I'm always fooled about size by pictures. Palms well, seems like good stealth quality.
The unit gets warm but nowhere near as hot as the PnP gets, so no trouble at all to hold the entire thing with no discomfort. Do watch out for the metal MP parts though as those get quite hot, not touchable, but they cool down fast.
EASE OF USE - Super easy, load, put on mp, turn on, inhale.
MEDICATION EFFECTIVENESS - as stated above, quite good, I feel equivalent to PnP, which is my only real portable unit experience.
Like others, I am concerned with durability over time, especially the plastic doors and also the oven. It seems easy to keep clean by just dumping and occasional brush out but only time will tell me if its surrounding area will get as sticky and difficult to clean as the top of my PnP.
In conclusion for the $71.43 I paid, I am more than satisfied, it works as well as reported and is good quality. I don't think I would pay more than $100 for this though and much more satisfied since I paid even less than that. Won't really know the true value until I have time to see how this thing lasts, but in the short term I wholeheartedly confirm all of the positive things that have been said so far by others.
THANK YOU Vape Dr., the other early adopters and FC for being such a great help to all of us navigating these choppy vape waters.

Back to vaping, I have new glass to try too.