Hi there,
I got finally my Aura recently (from FT), after a loooong wait. Coming from the first generation FM and a Titan 2, i appreciate the increased airflow, nice taste and all, a bit hot, overall i'm impressed with the vape quality so far. I didn't use it long enough to comment on the mouth piece breaking issue.
But: i just cannot get the temperature control to work correctly. Once the device has reached the target temp, the "baked" icon appears and the temp displayed on the screen won't change. But, actually, the temperature drops.
For example, let's set it at 200°C: wait for the icon to appear, the first puff is great. But the next one is nothing like that.
Let's just change the target temp to 205°C, the device heats up again, but starting from way below the initial 200°C setting (180, 160...). If i wait a bit longer, it seems that it will cool down to room temperature... whereas the displayed temperature is still stuck at 200°C. It all happens in less than 5 minutes, so i don't think the auto shutoff comes in the picture.
So, i currently can use this device only by playing with the up/down buttons and checking the screen constantly, PITA.
Has anyone experienced the same, is my unit faulty, firmware or something? Well, i don't have the user manual, which got lost in space, so maybe i'm missing something obvious... help!