@KeroZen ,Na I'm not worried man, I would have just sent it back or lobbed it normally but I did niether I opened it up and that's when I noticed the fact that it had been hamstrung from the off, doubled spacer,partially blocked airpath,cracked and chipped chamber, despite all that I still harboured the thought that I could resurect it and the love affair would carry on. But Alas.
Anyway ma mini can't keep up so I got a loan of V5s to fill the gap and was quite shocked, (I use this word advisedly it's been a shocking week regards the pro) I paid 10 notes more for the pro than the V5s cost but the pro has an unglazed and as such markedly poorer quality ceramic chamber inside it,the V5s has a shiny sparkling fully glazed,floor included, chamber far better quality a great deal more robust and a lot easier to maintain, it's a no contest IMO
I hear you with regard to the improvements but that does'nt tally because the V5s (it has the led inside/older model)was bought in Aug( the pro in Oct this year and the pro is a newer model.I am also mindful of differing stock and vendors which alters equations regarding improvement,I think they've cut the cost of the oven to offset the temp control/display,just a thought
I loved my pro,I also killed it in 8wks, of which I'm ashamed, I hope it did'nt die in vain though the post mortem was most revealing and all part of me being up here in the first place,share your experience good or bad thats how things improve.Hopefully
I bought my pro largely because of this very thread and the people who have contributed to it, I value thier thoughts and advice and I still stand by it an them, Disappointed in Fm,but nobody builds the perfect product as yet and I do think I got the one in ??? I'm thinking of getting another but I will have to convince myself first
Do you get chinese answers on flowermateusa.com?
@KeroZen were the pic's any use to you?