First vaporizer :D

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Well-Known Member
Well I've been browsing through the forums unregistered for a while. I'm trying to decide on an at home vaporizer that will averagely be used by 2-3 people per sitting. I want it to be efficient and have good hits.
So for what I've said I've come down to the Silver Surfer but I would like others opinions.



Serial vapist
cant go wrong with the surfer. I know a lot of ppl around here like the PD-style vapes, but since you said 2-3 ppl, i'm thinking a standard SSV bowl would be a bitter fit.

Only thing i could think that MAY be better for you would be a vape like the Herbalaire maybe, with the 3 or 5 bag attachment. So that you can fill bags (something commonly agreed on being convenient for parties) and do direct inhale. It's also supposed to be efficient, able to get a few bags worth of vapor out of spent herb from other vapes.

From experience, I can only safely recommend the SSV though. It can easily get 3 ppl stoned off a bowl, as long as the herb isnt total crap. I sit by the vape and run the wand for others and just pass the mouthpiece around and it works out well, everyone gets good hits and there are no complaints. I'd say maybe get a nice smallish (12" or so) bong with it too, because its just so nice and smoooth and it catches any little bits that migth get sucked through the screen.


Well-Known Member
whip preferably since it seems more efficient. I like the purple days a lot but it's back ordered to hell
Forb1d said:
whip preferably since it seems more efficient. I like the purple days a lot but it's back ordered to hell
Have you considered a Pandora? With that said, I think a SSV will make you happiest. It excels at getting 2 to 3 people absolutely vaked at a time. It hits hard, and is has a relatively easy learning curve. It'll also teach you the basics of vaporization if you are new to it. Very easy to maintain, and you get wand hash. You won't be disappointed by it. Plus it has the custom glass aspect to it as well. Welcome to the forum.


Well-Known Member
SkeletonLips said:
Forb1d said:
whip preferably since it seems more efficient. I like the purple days a lot but it's back ordered to hell
Have you considered a Pandora? With that said, I think a SSV will make you happiest. It excels at getting 2 to 3 people absolutely vaked at a time. It hits hard, and is has a relatively easy learning curve. It'll also teach you the basics of vaporization if you are new to it. Very easy to maintain, and you get wand hash. You won't be disappointed by it. Plus it has the custom glass aspect to it as well. Welcome to the forum.
I don't have the proper tools and there's no warranty =(


Serial vapist
not from experience, but from what i've heard from other owners i would say that the extreme is more of the jack of all trades (or vapor delivery methods), and the ssv is the ace of one. I have heard some say that whip hits from the extreme are not as vapor-rich as the ssv and other dedicated whip-only vapes, that is there is more air in the hits and less vapor.

as far as bag performance goes, i also have heard ppl who own the extreme and herbalaire say that the HA is more efficient overall (you get more vapor from the same amount of herb) and you get thicker bags of vapor. HA also costs less and uses an external pump to inflate bags, which may seem more inconvenient at first, but will be easier to replace should any problems arise than a vape with a built in fan like the extreme.

again, none of this, other than the comments on the ssv, is from personal experience, just what i've heard other members say.


Well-Known Member
Well I've settled on the myrtlezap or the ssv. I want efficiency and thos nice hits :D


Well-Known Member
Forb1d said:
Can anyone compare silver surfer to the extreme tower then??
I just sold my EQ cuz I got an SSV. Its been stated numerous times over,the EQ is a jack of all trades master of NONE. The SSV is the best whip hitter youre going to find,hands down. Expect to shell out more for the SSV,but if youre only after whip hits,then it'll do more than suffice. If you want a little bit of everything,then I suggest you forget about the EQ and check out the HerbalAire H2.1...

I can tell you right now,that youre looking at 2 extreme differences with the SSV & MZ. One is a fullsized desktop unit,the other is a super conservative log vape. Dont expect those "nice hits" from an MZ....expect to suck on it like a thick milkshake only to get minimal vapor. The SSV on the other hand...if you sucked on the tube with the same effort as you would an MZ,'d be on the floor gagging from so much vapor. If it truly is efficiency and "nice hits" youre after,Id say look into the Herbal Aire for a multi-use vape and the SSV for a dedicated WHIP ONLY desktop unit. The DBV is the only other alternative I can honestly recommend besides the SSV for big hitting whip vapes,but...Its not as efficient and there seems to be some quality control issues with it...I personally had a bad rheostat on mine.


vapor accessory addict
I can tell you right now,that youre looking at 2 extreme differences with the SSV & MZ. One is a fullsized desktop unit,the other is a super conservative log vape. Dont expect those "nice hits" from an MZ....expect to suck on it like a thick milkshake only to get minimal vapor.
While I agree that you won't usually get lung buster hits, with the right stem pack, product and the 13.5v adapter (at least in the beginning) don't discount the heavy hits from the MZ. The efficiency is fabulous with the log vapes and with some practice, you will be amazed at the output of vapor. However, it is more of a personal vape than a sharing vape IMO. Personally, I choose to get both types of vape; a big hitter that can be shared and a personal vape. If you can only afford one, you need to consider your needs for a vape and choose based on that.


My 2c: The MZ is a one or two person vape. Yes, you can increase the heat to get a bigger hit, but then the air is too hot. The SSV can give you big hits at the lower temperatures. And, no matter how many people you throw at it, you're not going to be able to pull get ahead of it and cool it down. With a PD or MZ, you can.


Well-Known Member
Ash said:
My 2c: The MZ is a one or two person vape. Yes, you can increase the heat to get a bigger hit, but then the air is too hot. The SSV can give you big hits at the lower temperatures. And, no matter how many people you throw at it, you're not going to be able to pull get ahead of it and cool it down. With a PD or MZ, you can.
Ash, I totally agree with ya that the SSV is a much better vape for multiple users because, one, it has a bigger bowl, and two, because like you said, you can get back to back lung ripper hits without having to crank up the temp, but I gotta tell ya, I've never had the PD get ahead of me in back to back hits. I've taken 4 to 5 hits in less than a 4 min. with no cool down.

Actually, one of the biggest downsides of using a PD/MZ with multiple people is that you're passing a vape around that has an AC cord attached to it, and we all know that any stress on that cord where it attaches to the vape could be a problem. Much less problematic passing a whip around.


I didn't say it was easy to get ahead of a PD, just that you could. ;)

The other drawback with multiple people, besides the cord, is that it takes longer to fully vape the same quantity of herb. For more intimate situations, I think this is a good thing. It helps you control how much to use. But, with more than two people vying for time on the unit :uhoh: You don't have that problem wiyth the SSV :cool:


Well-Known Member
Alright well I think I'm gonna get an ssv soon then. Gonna get a pd or Magic flight for portable
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