First vape for a (loong time) smoker


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Have a friend that wants to try cutting down on smoking so he wants to get his own vape. We've looked at some different models together but I promised I would help researching some more.

So I think a session conduction is what he needs? He smokes both spliffs and cigarettes, both strong habits. (He's looking into getting an e-cig too). I did give him the same advice I've read here, skip the budget vapes and get a good first vape. He gets it, but still isn't sure about vaping so would rather spend less but is open to other options.

Edit: Some extra info. He's just moved to a new flat but looking for a portable because he likes being outside, taking long walks etc. Also for going to/from work.

We found two that he liked at different price classes - the IQ2 and Starry 4:
• IQ2 - looked good but I just now saw that it's not very popular over at reddit and there isn't that much to read about it here. I don't use reddit much so I don't know what to think.
• Starry 4 - a cheaper option, but seems to be a good one?

Some other vapes we looked at:
• Xmax Ace - not very popular here on fc, haven't checked reddit yet
• Solo 2 - older, but maybe still relevant? Not as portable but maybe a shorter stem would solve that?
• HR Rogue - Not conduction though, hybrid? I think he needs a vape he can turn on and sip on like puffing on a joint
• Airvape legacy pro - we both thought it seemed really good at first glance, but after reading more I don't think it's the vape for him.

Any advice? Or other suggestions?
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Well-Known Member
Does the vape have to be battery powered? The dynavap or sticky brick is probably the closest you can get to combustion without spending crazy money. The vapes mentioned in the above response are the top tier heavy hitter butane/IH heated devices and I would add the Anvil to the list but these are all quite pricey. I've never owned an IQ2 but I would say the AirVape Legacy Pro, Crafty+ and HR Fury Rogue are similarly priced alternatives that I've seen better reviews for. I'd also recommend waiting until black Friday.


Well-Known Member
Switching from smoking to vaping takes a bit of commitment. It affects you differently in subtle ways that take some getting used to. If you are able to make the switch then the cost of any vapor device will be rapidly eclipsed by the savings due to the big jump in efficiency (you’ll use way less herb)

That’s how I would justify going all the way and getting a top shelf device to begin with. It pays for itself if you are successful, and I think the odds of actually saying fuck combustion are greater if you have a great vaporizer

Go straight to the Mighty+ or TM2 or Venty or maybe even the miniVAP if you are really trying to make the jump and have your heart set on a battery powered portable

EDIT: oh shit your friend smokes cigs… I don’t know anybody who smokes cigs but only vapes herb. Good luck with that
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Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Portables ball vapes like the Thermal Accumulator, Stunner and upcoming Tempest are the vapes that excel the most at reproducing the smoking gesture and rituals.

They can either be torch powered and battery powered with an IH.
Thanks, we will look at these options as well!

Does the vape have to be battery powered? The dynavap or sticky brick is probably the closest you can get to combustion without spending crazy money. The vapes mentioned in the above response are the top tier heavy hitter butane/IH heated devices and I would add the Anvil to the list but these are all quite pricey. I've never owned an IQ2 but I would say the AirVape Legacy Pro, Crafty+ and HR Fury Rogue are similarly priced alternatives that I've seen better reviews for. I'd also recommend waiting until black Friday.
I'm not sure, will need to ask. I think we both just assumed it should be. I'm actually looking at getting a torch vape for myself, but that's not for this conversation ;)

Switching from smoking to vaping takes a bit of commitment. It affects you differently in subtle ways that take some getting used to. If you are able to make the switch then the cost of any vapor device will be rapidly eclipsed by the savings due to the big jump in efficiency (you’ll use way less herb)

That’s how I would justify going all the way and getting a top shelf device to begin with. It pays for itself if you are successful, and I think the odds of actually saying fuck combustion are greater if you have a great vaporizer

Go straight to the Mighty+ or TM2 or Venty or maybe even the miniVAP if you are really trying to make the jump and have your heart set on a battery powered portable
Thanks, I'll pass on the advice! I think he is hoping for a portable that he can use both inside and outside. The Mighty is too big/ugly for that.. I have a TM but we don't think it's the vape for him, see below
EDIT: oh shit your friend smokes cigs… I don’t know anybody who smokes cigs but only vapes herb. Good luck with that
Haha thanks, I do think he needs it

I think he'd switch back quickly from a session conduction vape. Instead look for full and rapid extraction:
Anvil, vapcap, sticky brick or analog, heavy desktop...
But I thought that someone that likes smoking joints/spliffs would prefer a conduction vape? Smoking a spliff is a session experience so a session conduction vape should be the closest thing? A vape that is cooking the weed constantly and where it takes several hits during a session until finished. For example I have a tinymight and that makes for a very effective extraction, but he seems to want something that he can sit with and enjoy like his spliffs

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
I don't use a hundred vaporizers like some people here, my opinion is that of a former smoker who has been vaporizing for over 10 years - mainly hash.

I find that the constraints encountered are strong: finding a vaporizer to accompany smoking reduction, with conduction/or rapid extraction, in session mode, heavy hitter, little investment, one shot winner. It's hard not to make a mistake.

Personally, it was the huge serial clouds from Volcano (in 2010) that helped me quit smoking overnight.

If I had to stop smoking today, I might choose a powerful logvape like 420eng's Couchlog. But the need for reliability to make the transition might also push me towards a big brand like S&B.

If I find myself in your situation, I'm thinking of lending my vaporizers to my friend for a while longer, so that he can clarify his needs, his desires and his tastes. And maybe increase his budget, so that he can also choose a desktop.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I wouldn't think there's any reason to go for the IQ to over the starry for this particular person as you describe, however I do think the rogue would be better than both, it is still session style, more effective hybrid effects I think? I got my roommate using the fierce successfully so I think it can be done although they don't have the same background and current lifestyle as the person you describe... Anyway the new lobo could be a good way to go too? I am not sure it's worth going right to the high end for someone like this, start with one of these more budget options, that still have some power capability, and see how they get on with them first would be my advice (similarly they could have a lot of great success with him and more manual vape, but it probably makes more sense to start with an automatic type, the session style you describe, and not a case for TM likely)


Well-Known Member
Fantastic advice from everyone so far, I find myself thinking in between what @Shit Snacks @olysh pops and @kimura said.
I think he should get an og might during Black Friday sales (could probably get one for close to, or maybe even under $200)
It’s a good combination of reliability, ease of use, and consistency of experience / effects. As well as something that he could always keep as a backup portable, even if he upgrades later on.

Otherwise I would also recommend something heavy hitting, perhaps a desktop like a log, or potentially something butane powered like dynavaps or thermal accumulator.

Does he only smoke at home or does he want something that is portable? Is so does it need to be small/stealthy?


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
Ex smoker who owns most of the vapes mentioned above including the Starry 4 and IQ2. If a stealth, portable conduction MTL session vape is whats your after the Starry 4 would be a good inexpensive choice to try first. The IQ2 is also stealth and does offers better vapor cooling and warranty than the Starry but at a price.

Keep in mind that familiar and comfortable rituals are a big part of the hard core habit of combusting flower and tobacco. That's why it's so damn hard to quit both. Consider that a torch vape like DV, Dani or Anvil can replicate and replace some of those smoking rituals as well as providing very large, potent mostly conduction clouds.

Plenty of videos out their to view to narrow your choices down before you buy. Good luck!


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
I don't use a hundred vaporizers like some people here, my opinion is that of a former smoker who has been vaporizing for over 10 years - mainly hash.

I find that the constraints encountered are strong: finding a vaporizer to accompany smoking reduction, with conduction/or rapid extraction, in session mode, heavy hitter, little investment, one shot winner. It's hard not to make a mistake.

Personally, it was the huge serial clouds from Volcano (in 2010) that helped me quit smoking overnight.

If I had to stop smoking today, I might choose a powerful logvape like 420eng's Couchlog. But the need for reliability to make the transition might also push me towards a big brand like S&B.

If I find myself in your situation, I'm thinking of lending my vaporizers to my friend for a while longer, so that he can clarify his needs, his desires and his tastes. And maybe increase his budget, so that he can also choose a desktop.
Will pass this on, thanks! Btw he prefers smoking hash too but likes his greens as well

I wouldn't think there's any reason to go for the IQ to over the starry for this particular person as you describe, however I do think the rogue would be better than both, it is still session style, more effective hybrid effects I think? I got my roommate using the fierce successfully so I think it can be done although they don't have the same background and current lifestyle as the person you describe... Anyway the new lobo could be a good way to go too? I am not sure it's worth going right to the high end for someone like this, start with one of these more budget options, that still have some power capability, and see how they get on with them first would be my advice (similarly they could have a lot of great success with him and more manual vape, but it probably makes more sense to start with an automatic type, the session style you describe, and not a case for TM likely)
Thanks Shit Snacks, helpful stuff

Fantastic advice from everyone so far, I find myself thinking in between what @Shit Snacks @olysh pops and @kimura said.
I think he should get an og might during Black Friday sales (could probably get one for close to, or maybe even under $200)
It’s a good combination of reliability, ease of use, and consistency of experience / effects. As well as something that he could always keep as a backup portable, even if he upgrades later on.

Otherwise I would also recommend something heavy hitting, perhaps a desktop like a log, or potentially something butane powered like dynavaps or thermal accumulator.

Does he only smoke at home or does he want something that is portable? Is so does it need to be small/stealthy?
I agree, excellent thoughts from everyone. (Some of which I'll keep in mind for myself..)
He has just moved to a new flat, he doesn't want to smoke inside but has done so in the past. He wanted a portable because he is very fond of being outside, taking long walks etc. Also something on his way to/from work.

I'll show him what you've all writhen. And I agree with some points made and think I'll try to recommend getting two vapes - one portable and one for home, if he is serious about this. Thanks!


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Ex smoker who owns most of the vapes mentioned above including the Starry 4 and IQ2. If a stealth, portable conduction MTL session vape is whats your after the Starry 4 would be a good inexpensive choice to try first. The IQ2 is also stealth and does offers better vapor cooling and warranty than the Starry but at a price.

Keep in mind that familiar and comfortable rituals are a big part of the hard core habit of combusting flower and tobacco. That's why it's so damn hard to quit both. Consider that a torch vape like DV, Dani or Anvil can replicate and replace some of those smoking rituals as well as providing very large, potent mostly conduction clouds.

Plenty of videos out their to view to narrow your choices down before you buy. Good luck!
Thanks, good to hear about the Starry because what you described is what he's after. But like I mentioned above, if he is serious about this I will recommend him getting two vapes.

Yes I am aware of that, the ritual and difficulty breaking habits. I'm not sure if my friend yet realizes it fully though. I'll have him consider torch vapes. Btw how long have you been an ex smoker? Were you smoking cigarettes too?


No thoughts, head empty
Yes I am aware of that, the ritual and difficulty breaking habits. I'm not sure if my friend yet realizes it fully though. I'll have him consider torch vapes. Btw how long have you been an ex smoker? Were you smoking cigarettes too?
From my experience the simplicity of something like a Pax, Starry, IQ etc does definitely help. My former roommate used to be a heavy bong and joint smoker and picked up a Pax2 to replace the joints. They aren’t the best vapes, but they work very well and the convenience of load and go is very useful for forming new habits.

I always preferred pipes, so on demand vaping was the natural choice for me, and might be worth revisiting after the joint habit is broken.


Well-Known Member
Does the vape have to be battery powered? The dynavap or sticky brick is probably the closest you can get to combustion without spending crazy money. The vapes mentioned in the above response are the top tier heavy hitter butane/IH heated devices and I would add the Anvil to the list but these are all quite pricey. I've never owned an IQ2 but I would say the AirVape Legacy Pro, Crafty+ and HR Fury Rogue are similarly priced alternatives that I've seen better reviews for. I'd also recommend waiting until black Friday.
A torch powered vape will give you a similar ritual to smoking. Get a dynavap b for $50. The dynavap has a very similar vibe to one of those 1 hitters with a dugout. Its only 50 dollars so if your friend doesn't like it, not that big of a loss.


Qualified Observer
But I thought that someone that likes smoking joints/spliffs would prefer a conduction vape? Smoking a spliff is a session experience so a session conduction vape should be the closest thing? A vape that is cooking the weed constantly and where it takes several hits during a session until finished.
I dunno, I just find that style of device so tepidly lackluster that I wouldn't recommend them to anyone but a super newbie who wanted to get to know the sacred herb slowly and carefully. Def not for long term smoker. If it's the ritual, dyna or anvil; I just don't see a super mellow old-tech conduction session device getting his attention.
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Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Thanks for the advice, all of them. My friend read through them also, sends his appreciation you're way.

He's leaning towards getting two vapes - a rogue or iq2/iqc because he does like slower sessions and also a dynavap for the familiarity to smoking. Also an e-cig vape to cut down on the cigarettes.

Thanks for the help

From my experience the simplicity of something like a Pax, Starry, IQ etc does definitely help. My former roommate used to be a heavy bong and joint smoker and picked up a Pax2 to replace the joints. They aren’t the best vapes, but they work very well and the convenience of load and go is very useful for forming new habits.

I always preferred pipes, so on demand vaping was the natural choice for me, and might be worth revisiting after the joint habit is broken.
When I was still combusting I didn't have any preference, I liked both joints and pipes. Might be why it was so easy for me to start vaping? But I was alone when it came to pipes among other smokers, my friend for example has a strong preference for joints.


No thoughts, head empty
Hope he enjoys whatever he gets! I saw healthy rips themselves have their fall sale going on now, and vaporiser wizard has a 30% off code for the iq2/c posted on his site which I used to get my iq2 (also works for accessories, if any are actually in stock).

When I was still combusting I didn't have any preference, I liked both joints and pipes. Might be why it was so easy for me to start vaping? But I was alone when it came to pipes among other smokers, my friend for example has a strong preference for joints.
Makes sense, I really don’t like the smell of weed and in particular smoke, so pipes were great to keep things clean until I discovered the MFLB. I weirdly never enjoyed joints until I met my spouse who was an occasional joint smoker and taught me how to smoke them correctly, they definitely hit differently than a pipe.
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Well-Known Member
I don't use a hundred vaporizers like some people here, my opinion is that of a former smoker who has been vaporizing for over 10 years - mainly hash.

I find that the constraints encountered are strong: finding a vaporizer to accompany smoking reduction, with conduction/or rapid extraction, in session mode, heavy hitter, little investment, one shot winner. It's hard not to make a mistake.

Personally, it was the huge serial clouds from Volcano (in 2010) that helped me quit smoking overnight.

If I had to stop smoking today, I might choose a powerful logvape like 420eng's Couchlog. But the need for reliability to make the transition might also push me towards a big brand like S&B.

If I find myself in your situation, I'm thinking of lending my vaporizers to my friend for a while longer, so that he can clarify his needs, his desires and his tastes. And maybe increase his budget, so that he can also choose a desktop.
Same here volcano brought that to everyone’s house got all my friends to buy one and quit smoking.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, all of them. My friend read through them also, sends his appreciation you're way.

He's leaning towards getting two vapes - a rogue or iq2/iqc because he does like slower sessions and also a dynavap for the familiarity to smoking. Also an e-cig vape to cut down on the cigarettes.

Thanks for the help

When I was still combusting I didn't have any preference, I liked both joints and pipes. Might be why it was so easy for me to start vaping? But I was alone when it came to pipes among other smokers, my friend for example has a strong preference for joints.
The IQ2 is a great vape, though like a number of portable vapes, it works best with slow long draws. The IQ2 even has a draw meter on it's display to help w/ that, plus excellent build quality, very discrete small size & quality design / materials.

If your friend like the IQ2, adding a few 18650 batteries & an external charger is inexpensive and allows for high use.

Cheers & good luck

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I personally quite smoking at home with a volcano and outside with the dynavap. But years have past and even if those are still great devices, I don't think they are the best options for newvapers as volcano lacks the sore throat effect and dynavap can be difficult to use (not hot enough and there is no visible vapor even if the taste and effect are there and too hot and you just ruined your load and have to clean it, action that a smoker never do).
We, as experienced vaporist, tend to favour "best devices" (exact meaning depends on individuals), but for a newbie, I strongly suggest favouring 2 qualities above all, easiness of usage and visible (and tasty) clouds. Easy usage amd maintenance because otherwise they will just get back to the rolling ritual, something that took a long time to master (I still love to roll perfect joints for friends). And visible cloud because without the sore throat, smoke clouds and stinky clothes, they just wonder if anything happened and want to light a joint right after (without realising they are in fact already high, just not intoxicated by hypoxia and relived of their nicotine crave for those really deep in sin). I think that's part of the success of those e-liquid poison sticks 😮‍💨
This is where I'm stuck, as much as my friends love to use my devices, I failed at converting any of them permanently... I still need to find the best conversion device 🤷‍♂️


Old & In the Way
Have a friend that wants to try cutting down on smoking so he wants to get his own vape. We've looked at some different models together but I promised I would help researching some more.

So I think a session conduction is what he needs? He smokes both spliffs and cigarettes, both strong habits. (He's looking into getting an e-cig too). I did give him the same advice I've read here, skip the budget vapes and get a good first vape. He gets it, but still isn't sure about vaping so would rather spend less but is open to other options.

Edit: Some extra info. He's just moved to a new flat but looking for a portable because he likes being outside, taking long walks etc. Also for going to/from work.

We found two that he liked at different price classes - the IQ2 and Starry 4:
• IQ2 - looked good but I just now saw that it's not very popular over at reddit and there isn't that much to read about it here. I don't use reddit much so I don't know what to think.
• Starry 4 - a cheaper option, but seems to be a good one?

Some other vapes we looked at:
• Xmax Ace - not very popular here on fc, haven't checked reddit yet
• Solo 2 - older, but maybe still relevant? Not as portable but maybe a shorter stem would solve that?
• HR Rogue - Not conduction though, hybrid? I think he needs a vape he can turn on and sip on like puffing on a joint
• Airvape legacy pro - we both thought it seemed really good at first glance, but after reading more I don't think it's the vape for him.

Any advice? Or other suggestions?
I recently converted a friend to vaping his flower, I gave him a Starry 4. I kinda miss it, keep thinking about picking up another. It is simple and makes decent clouds from the get-go, not much technique to master.
I know other vapes do as well, this is a nice price point, under $100 for B. Friday sales.
If it were me, I would not encourage a big cash outlay unless I had let the person borrow or experience my own 'expensive' vape for a little while.

Another friend fucked combustion with a Fury Edge and now that it has died, I sent him a Roffu and a V3Pro to try, and he's decided instead to do a half-price upgrade from Edge to Rogue.

The part about "cutting down on smoking," may be a sticky point.
Vaping flower is much better appreciated after the combustion habit has been dropped, and even then can take a week or more for the user to actually realize "this is better than smoking!" In my experience, alternating is not a great strategy.

I was fortunate to have stopped cigarettes a couple of years before I began vaping my bud.


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
I recently converted a friend to vaping his flower, I gave him a Starry 4. I kinda miss it, keep thinking about picking up another. It is simple and makes decent clouds from the get-go, not much technique to master.
I know other vapes do as well, this is a nice price point, under $100 for B. Friday sales.
If it were me, I would not encourage a big cash outlay unless I had let the person borrow or experience my own 'expensive' vape for a little while.

Another friend fucked combustion with a Fury Edge and now that it has died, I sent him a Roffu and a V3Pro to try, and he's decided instead to do a half-price upgrade from Edge to Rogue.

The part about "cutting down on smoking," may be a sticky point.
Vaping flower is much better appreciated after the combustion habit has been dropped, and even then can take a week or more for the user to actually realize "this is better than smoking!" In my experience, alternating is not a great strategy.

I was fortunate to have stopped cigarettes a couple of years before I began vaping my bud.
Thanks for contributing. Seems like the Starry 4 does hold its own. He's hoping for a nice black friday deal on the rogue actually. Seems like the best choice now.
I agree with you, cutting down won't usually do it.. But since my friend does want to this this for himself, that is at least a good sign
I personally quite smoking at home with a volcano and outside with the dynavap. But years have past and even if those are still great devices, I don't think they are the best options for newvapers as volcano lacks the sore throat effect and dynavap can be difficult to use (not hot enough and there is no visible vapor even if the taste and effect are there and too hot and you just ruined your load and have to clean it, action that a smoker never do).
We, as experienced vaporist, tend to favour "best devices" (exact meaning depends on individuals), but for a newbie, I strongly suggest favouring 2 qualities above all, easiness of usage and visible (and tasty) clouds. Easy usage amd maintenance because otherwise they will just get back to the rolling ritual, something that took a long time to master (I still love to roll perfect joints for friends). And visible cloud because without the sore throat, smoke clouds and stinky clothes, they just wonder if anything happened and want to light a joint right after (without realising they are in fact already high, just not intoxicated by hypoxia and relived of their nicotine crave for those really deep in sin). I think that's part of the success of those e-liquid poison sticks 😮‍💨
This is where I'm stuck, as much as my friends love to use my devices, I failed at converting any of them permanently... I still need to find the best conversion device 🤷‍♂️
Some good thoughts, especially on the quality if vapor and feel etc. About failing to convert, I think it's hard to convert someone that doesn't have any of those thoughts themselves. So don't feel bad about that!


Well-Known Member
I think the lobo will be perfect for it, as it'll hit better than most conduction vapes (it's a hybrid tho), it seems you can get good and quick results at high temps, and potv offers 100 days return policy which is great and will give your unexperienced friend some peace of mind.
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