First QWISO run for vaporizing

Grow Goddess

Just vaping
I have been vaporizing RSO and I love it! I had been curious if QWISO hash would work in my pen vaporizer. Since QWISO is not decarbed, I wondered if the vaporizer would be hot enough to decarb it, especially since I mix my oils with PG USP, which lowers the vaporizing temperature.

I only made about 2 grams for my test run. I did three quick frozen rinses with 99% isopropyl. The results came out great! I first used half of it with my pen vape, eGo C Twist with the iClear 16 attachment and the results were great! Awesome buzz, smooth ganja taste, and sneaky expando. It doesn't have all the flavor that RSO has, but it is smoother and offers a different buzz. It is a matter of personal preference, but I say they are both the whoop.

I will surely be making more QWISO. I like it a lot in my vaporizer.

The next time I make RSO I will swipe a single rinse from a couple ounces to make QWISO with. I am sure it will come out much more clear. I can't wait!

The reason why I put the QWISO in the pan is so I could heat it a little to melt it up so it would mix properly with the PG USP. During the drying or purging process I did not use any heat, just a fan.

As for smoking the stuff, much better than RSO. Very smooth and tasty.

I used some of my best Qush buds to make the oil in the pics. About 1/2 ounce, maybe a bit less.



This picture is my SVD vaporizer with the iClear30 attachment. My favorite. I mixed the QWISO hash 50/50 with RSO. I could not decide which I liked better so I mixed the two together with what I had left of the QWISO. I think that this offered me my best vaping experience so far.


I just got these buds in the picture manicured and they are just about dry. I think I am going to make more QWISO with these Strawberry Cough buds.



I can't wait to get more of the QWISO made. I want to try it in my Eclipse Vaporizer straight with no PG USP in it. Just to compare its taste to other concentrates. I am pretty confident it will be the whoop.


Just thought I'd share....


Is there much build up on the coil? My experience has been that isopropyl likes to pull more fats/waxes than butane.

Also if you're looking for something else to mix, check out the Liquidizer thread, they have a proprietary blend that works well with oils to vape in ecigs. Might be worth a shot.

Grow Goddess

Just vaping
I do get a little build up over time. Every three refills I soak it in Everclear. Cleans it up nicely. There's nothing like a fresh oil change! :)

Thanks for the tip, I will have to take a peek.
Grow Goddess,
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