I agree to disagree.
i believe when starting out in vaporizing, its good to get acquainted with more of a session style
vape rather than on demand. With almost 500 chemical constituents found in the cannabis plant,
it's hard to sort out what your preferences are. A vape like the Solo II gives the ability for Controlled
experimentation to some degree, while the FP is more of an On Demand system with designs more
for dabbers and the like rather than those just graduating to vaporization of flower.
The Power of the Solo provides for very rapid heat-up and cool down albeit not instantaneous.
The idea of using the vape outside, and it's portability was also an important aspect?
Yes, I know You can carry the FP contraption around.
You seem to think I have it In for the FP?
I don't, I just I just don't think it's a Panacea for All vapers, like you do.
I have looked into the 'Flower Pot' as far as I can read, I love the design and high/low tech aspects
of it. I'm not a fan of having to use a glass bubbler or bong, unless perhaps dry.
I don't see the need for filtering, or removing Terpenes with water, in order to cool, when Vaporizing?
I have tried to find a viable excuse to purchase one, but can't in good conscious, think of any Yet!
Maybe you can buy the FP for the price of a Mighty where You live, but it's a far stretch in Canada.
And just who are You trying to Kid?
The Flower Pot is All About Options, Modifications and Refinements, infinitum!
I’m not disagreeing with your recommendations; depending on what the OP is interested in a Mighty, a Tubo, a Fierce, a VapCap, a log or something else might be better places to start, and that’s why it’s good that people familiar with those options also suggest them. In fact I’ve recommended all of those and more to people.
My point was that I think it’s best for us to add recommendations rather than try to shoot them down, especially for devices we haven’t used unless we’re aware of serious problems or concerns with their safety and performance.
Here are some of the main reasons I recommend the FlowerPot so often:
1. It’s easy to use, easy to clean, easy to replace the screens and coils/controllers which are the only parts I’d expect to fail in a lifetime of use.
2. It’s on-demand so you don’t have to keep going at it, you can stop after 1/2 of 1 draw if you want and you’re not wasting your flower because you’re not cooking it anymore.
That 1/2 draw may already be too much for some people, but the day I started I used half a load (a lot more vapor obviously) in a conduction Ascent, which seems like a reasonable thing to do with a session device, but I was really beyond destroyed after that. If you don’t know what you’re doing you can get there at some point with any decent vaporizer.
3. It has a good reputation for converting smokers. Quite a few people have tried vaporizing and gone back to smoking one or more times, at least partly because they hadn’t found a device that for them; one that hit hard enough, one that was as easy to use as a bong, etc.
Even after repeated failures I see people staying - *if* they find something that meets their needs. For many people that something is the FlowerPot. I think the VapCap and probably the Plenty and some others also have some similar stories and there are many good options out there to make most people happy, but I’ve found that the FlowerPot very rarely disappoints.
Given all of that, I don’t like to recommend someone start down a road which may be filled with a lot of expensive purchases and disappointments, or worse a rejection of vaporizing and return to smoking, when I can just recommend *some of* the best stuff out there and give experienced smokers the option to get where they’re probably going without all of the detours.
I’m all for considering a variety of options though, and I think you made some good suggestions, they’re just not what I usually recommend, and that’s why it’s good to have other people putting in their two cents.
If I thought the FlowerPot was the only thing worth having I wouldn’t be buying a Nomad right now, but I seriously do not think it’s overkill or bad for even a new user to start with. You can set any temp you want and use it as frequently or infrequently as you want, and the ease of use and lack of maintenance requirements beyond cleaning the bowl and your glass as often as you’d like make it one of the most worry-free options around.
That’s why I use it and recommend it. I barely use any concentrates, I never smoked, I personally can’t even comfortably take the full power of the FP right now, and I do like my other vaporizers, but if I could only have one of them at home right now it would be the FlowerPot.
By the way, you can get a minimal FP setup for flower (ShowerHead, NV controller and coil, glass bowl - assuming you have something to put the bowl in and an ash tray or ceramic mug or something to keep the hot head in) for $211.50 US plus shipping any day with the 10% off TWAXVAPOR code, or probably $188 (20% off) on Black Friday. Everything I’d want for it is more like $500, but that stuff is all optional and it can wait if money’s tight. You could even lower this amount more by buying a cheaper controller, but that’s not something I’d do without researching whatever I was buying.
So yeah, a minimal FP setup can be cheaper than a Mighty, and while it seems like there are a lot of options for it, unless you want to buy every iteration of it there’s no need to spend more than like $200-600 on it to have something great you can use all day and night every day for years (at which point you might need a new $35 coil).
That said, the Mighty seems to be a perfectly good option too, just not my personal recommendation here. So maybe we’re agreeing to disagree about the FlowerPot, but I hope we can just agree that offering people different (good) options is overall a good thing and it’s more beneficial to give reasons *to* buy something than reasons *not* to buy something else unless it’s got really questionable performance/safety/etc. If I start recommending garbage though, feel free to lambaste it - and me for promoting it.