First high = hallucination...?


Well-Known Member
I was reading another forum (forget what it was, i was a bit stoned, sorry) and some guy was saying how the first time you smoke/vape you get no feeling cuz your brain isn't used to it, the second time you get ridiculously high and actually hallucinate because your brain has never experienced it but is ready to receive it, and then the third+ times you get normal high because your brain is used to it.

has anyone ever heard this? is it true?

i will say the first few times i got high i was much more open to mental imaging or 'seeing' or experiencing things, and i'm not getting as much of that anymore... but not 100% sold yet


Well-Known Member
This hasn't been my experience. The first time I hallucinated is when I dropped acid, and I smoked MJ way before then. The only time I came close to hallucinating while vaping was with some White Widow I had awhile back. That stuff was pretty visual.


Well-Known Member
only once had a halucination from weed a g13HP very strong. well it was not realy a halucination, more a shift in vision. My vision seemed to pop out of my eyes and like float in front of me and i could see with like 180degrees vision and my body felt like liquid.

so weird only time i had that before i had truffels or shrooms
i used to use shrooms for rcreation and like watching movies,
but since i went for the psychedelic experience with the schrooms, i know what real hallucination is and visual hallucination is only the beginning :o :o

Anybody know the works of Terence McKenna?


Well-Known Member
This also has not been my experience either.

When I first started smoking you mainly just had mid-grade herb and that just made me high/stoned and giggly.

Then later I did have psychedelic experiences from both eating herb and smoking it but I'd also had psychedelic experiences with both very strong LSD and mushrooms.

I've had vaping get very psychedelic for me but THC is a psychedelic.


Unconscious Objector
I'll chime in. I vape daily, perhaps 4-5 sessions. Each session lasts roughly 4-7ish hits. Since vaping constantly, the frequency with which I have hallucinations on pot has gone way way down. I have had a few in the last couple of months though.

When I smoked, which was infrequently and lasted from 1984 until November/2009 I would hallucinate about 1/2 of the time I smoked. As an example; words on a poster looked backwards, they started melting, g/f started talking in reverse, etc. Not surprisingly, I didn't like marijuana all that much when I was younger.

I would compare my early marijuana use to something equivalent to Salvia.

I only "hallucinated" the first time I actually got high, and it was just major tracers, and a body buzz that I would now compare to shrooms. And like lwien, the first time I ever really hallucinated in my life was when I took that first tiny, white paper square, triple dipped in lsd. Nothing prepared me for that.
Tdavie, I don't know if I could keep using if I experienced weird shit like that. The only weird shit I see is when I close my eyes and let my mind do whatever. Must make it interesting for you though.


Well-Known Member
what kinda weed was that you wur smoking? need to get me some of that shit and how infrequent is infrequent?
No my salvia trips wur quite different from shrooms and i would never get that effect from weed.
Last time i did salvia it was in combo with shrooms and it was at the end of the shroom trip, i had some5x salvia.
And this might not do anything for most people i know, but if i smoke like 1/20 of a gram i'll go so hard. but in this particular case i was in the end stages of a shroom trip no halucinations, just this super high buzz
and i wanted more, more shrooms won't work, so i had some salvia. I took a pinch, not even weighable, put it in a pipe, took a hit just a small one. well it worked immediatly and boy did it work, reality crashed down and i got stuck in the plains of existence and the colour in the world around me melting between the layers of my fractured reality i started sweating like a pig and burning so i was like ok a bit more then i bargaind for. How long is this gonna work for . but it didn't last more than a normal salvia trip and i did it a couple of more times these times wur a bit more relaxed. but i normally don't do salvia alone, shrooms no problem, but salvia. I'm no wanderer on a trip, but stil i don't wanna fall down stairs or so. Seen and heard enough crazy shit with salvia.

BTW low doses of salvia great aphrodisiac if you're in the mood, might get a little weird in the head with visions, but tactility will go trough the roof :o


Unconscious Objector
@SkeletonLips I smoked pot very infrequently. No rhyme, reason or time frequency. I'd get the desire to smoke it, would buy some, and then wonder why the hell I was doing this shit. It wouldn't take a lot; perhaps one, maybe two hits off of a pin joint and then it was all over for an evening. First time I did oil was at a dealers/growers house and it was amazing that I got home safely (that sparked my never use and drive choice), because the road was undulating up and down as I drove. First time using hash, and no one told me that it was stupid to eat 2 grams. I was in bed for about 24 hours, seeing, hearing and feeling things. Unpleasant.

Fast forward from 1984 to maybe 2007/2008 and I'm going from 24 yrs old to 47/48 and I found, somewhat amazingly that little aches and pains would go away when I smoked. But I didn't like smoking because I had quit ciggies. So pot use was still infrequent. Discovered vaping, and it's a different story. Hallucinations are far less, and when they do happen they're generally pleasant and minor. And I know they're hallucinations.

@Plant I'm going on memory but Thai, Chocolate Thai, some Jamaican and thats about it.

I figure I just wasn't meant to use it until I could use it wisely and actually benefit from it.


(Having auditory hallucinations is bizzare, let me tell ya :) )


Well-Known Member
tdavie said:
(Having auditory hallucinations is bizzare, let me tell ya :) )
Yeah, I remember having those while on shrooms. I remember laying down in bed goin' :o !! Didn't like that part at all. Only happened once though.
tdavie said:
(Having auditory hallucinations is bizzare, let me tell ya :) )
Especially when you are sober, and drifting off to sleep. Has happened to me a few times. It is always weird.
Glad to hear that the herb is finally working out for you though. Time changes the body for the better sometimes, lol.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
first time ... very poor grade homegrown, but a very definite visual effect that was totally new to my life at age 19 ... but, not knowing about hallucinations, i just considered it to be a hyper-visual-attention. i thought my vision had become 20/20, but when i took off my glasses it was still my normal crappy distance vision.

only one or two times in the 43 years since have i had strong enough bud to have a visual hallucination.
Hippie Dickie,


Well-Known Member
i heard that thaisticks can have a psychedelic effect
about the auditory halucinations the first time i did salvia i kept hearing the last person i spoke to that day say the last thing they sayd to me over and over and over that was also kinda freaky

but some are very cool on shrooms i like em, hear sound come out of cracks in the wal or drillholes.
But if they are freaky like repetitions or/of humming beeping screeching sounds. that shit can drive you crazy. And it prob. last for a couple of min but time being relative:cool: it might seem for ever

Anybody ever been an inanimate object for a long time on a trip? like a stone for 70.000 years or so.
i like to know how that is


Well-Known Member
I hallucinated for the first two years i smoked pot..

true story.

This was 10 years ago. but it's one of the reason's i liked it so much.

I also don't get the MUNCHIES when i smoke.

I have do EAT BEFORE i smoke....
Because if i smoke, THen i can't eat for HOURS...

Weed affects everyone differently.


Well-Known Member
Pammy was chatting with her MD about weed, and jokingly hallucination was mentioned and Pammy said, "I wish".

The MD explained that THC (etc.) was considered a hallucinagen because it actually can cause hallucinations, but that it didn't do this to all people, I think she mentioned a pretty low percentage of people who actually hallucinate, something like 5%.

Cappella Sistina

Well-Known Member
I smoked oil for the first time, and in large quanitie's back at CHAMPS.....I was tripping like a mofo. As embarassing as it is, I got stuck in an elevator, and evetually had to ask for one of the security guards at the Mandalay help me find my room.


I was much better once I was "found".
Cappella Sistina,


Well-Known Member
The brain doesn't react because it is not used to it. The brain has receptors that accept THC and the brain also creates a things like THC and things that are WAY more powerful. Serotonin, Dopamine, Adrenaline, etc. The brains receptors are like a keyhole and they need a key that fits.


I've had plenty of visuals off cannabis, none for a few years now though.

All I need is an extended multiple month break, some strong weed and the right mindset... then I get ~1.5-2g shroom type visuals (breathing walls, bit of kaleiscope carpet etc.)


I'll contribute.

First time I smoked pot, I was really stoned but it was a bad time... was working :lol: But I've definitely had lots of visual effects from pot, especially if I'm stationary. I get decent cannabis but it'd be nice to try some medical grade one day. (Not to deprive any patients out there, just want to sample! :) )
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