First Attempt at QWET


Cannabis Crusader
So this isn't exactly my first attempt, I did try two iso extractions. One batch of iso used to clean my stems over a period of months then evaporated off and another qwiso run with my abv.

Those both tasted terrible and I have a lot of surplus green so I'm going to try qwet with 10g of assorted bud in everclear. I'm hoping to get a minimum 1.5g yield, if I'm lucky, closer to 2.5.

Everything has been in the freezer for a couple of days and I just got some 25 and 10 micron SS screens from that 316 store as well as a slick pad and a slick sheet roll.

My plan is to follow what I've read on here; 3 min wash, stirring every min. Then strain through a normal strainer into a jar, attach a 25 micron screen to that and pour through a funnel lined with the 10 micron screen into my Pyrex lined with slick sheet. After that, boil some water in a pot, set it outside, and put the Pyrex in there to evaporate the EC.

Beyond that, I'm curious how to further purge the material. I was thinking about keeping it on the sheet and putting it in the stove on warm for a few min, I think it heats to 150 since the first actual number after "warm" is 200. Not sure if that'll decarboxylize it or not. Also considered blasting it with a hair dryer but idk if that's a good idea or if I'm just gonna blast a bunch of dust into it.

That's about it. If anyone can help me with the last purging bit I'd appreciate it. I know I could just give it time to evaporate, but my plan is to dab this shit tonight. Also if there's anything I missed or could do better in my wash, please lemme know. :tup:


Well-Known Member
How big are the screens from 316? I have a 6x6 10µ and after reading up on the noob thread I folded it like this

I made a little frame out of bbq skewers that sits on top of my pyrex and the 4 points of that 10µ screen rest on the frame or pyrex. Some of the folks I learned the folding tek from had nice screen holders from somewhere (please chime in as I forgot who this was). I then sit my 25µ screen, folded the same way, on top of the 10µ. I pour from the mason jar (where the mixed EC/herbs) through a metal kitchen strainer into the 25µ. This step is much easier with EC than iso, you don't need to rush it. I do hand press the herb that is left in the strainer to get the most of the EC out. Then I spread the herbs out on another pyrex to dry out (if doing another run). MAKE SURE to pre-soak the filters with a little EC, this will help them flow better/faster.
Once everything is through the filters I remove them from the pyrex and start the evap process. You can just let it air dry, but that could take days. This is where I use a hair dryer to speed the process up. It is on the low to mid heat setting (depending on air temp), so I'm basically using it as a precise fan. It takes around an hour plus to evap this way in the amounts I've done (5-8grams). IF you use more EC it will take longer. Some people add heat here to speed the process as well.
Now the errl is just a coating in the pyrex. At this point I have done everything outside. Most of the EC is gone at this point so I bring inside to scrape and heat purge farther. I use an oil bath in a crockpot with a pid controller handling temp. I purge this way for several hours. Checkout my post in the Noob thread to see more of how I heat purge. Some folks just scrape and heat to reform/flatten the errl and skip the farther heat purge. Some folks heat purge and then winterize (I want to start doing this as well).
I don't think I would heat purge in an oven. I know this is a big no-no with iso/tane. I think with EC you need to be more worried about open flames. I would still be hesitant to put it in a closed space with open heating elements. At that stage though there really isn't much EC in there, but better to be safe than make the wall of shame over at


Cannabis Crusader
Yea I did some more reading after I made this post and saw something about the potential fire hazard of oven purging. I did it with my abv qwiso but maybe I just got lucky.

My 10 micron screens are huge, 24x24 I believe. Plan to cut them down and I'll try that folding design, I think I have some skewers laying around. My 25 micron screen is 5x5 so it'll fit in there nicely.

I think I'll just do an extra long hot water bath after all the noticeable EC is gone. When I did iso, after I evaporated outside with hot water I brought it in and put the pot on the stove with the Pyrex in it and continued to heat it on low for awhile. Gas stove, open flame, maybe I just got lucky?

I'll definitely incorporate the hair dryer and hopefully have something usable tonight.

Edit: think I'll grab an electric griddle type dealy and eliminate the use of open flames altogether cause fuck burning my house down.
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i would like to advise you to not evap out of the slick sheet. i say this because its a total PITA to retrieve when done. you are much better off evapping directly out of the pyrex. then heat and remove oil with a razor blade. i used to scrape, then switched to slick sheet and now im back to scraping. saves a lot of time and expense for the SS. use the SS to store your oil instead of parchment. or return it if you can.


Cannabis Crusader
Well I did it using the sheet last night. used a big rectangle Pyrex, like 18x9, lined it with the sheet, and evaporated off an electric griddle. I did two 3 min washes and just combined them for convenience. I got 1.4g of dark amber colored oil from that, gets hard and shattery when cooled, has a Now and Later taffy like consistency at room temp.

At first I was super confused about how to collect it off the sheet but found a video of a dude just folding it over and sticking it to itself until he formed a big glob. It was kind of a PITA, but then again so is scraping. I only tried qwiso twice before this and scraped but there was a fairly large amount I couldn't get off. The sheet I felt helped me collect more than I would have scraping, but that probably says more about my scraping technique than the effectiveness of the sheet.

All in all I'm satisfied with the results. It's a million times better than the stuff I made using abv, I literally gave that away once I tried this new batch. It was super effective :o

Edit: pic

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