firecrackers and aluminum


From my experience this is my favorite recipe for eating AVB but I am concerned about aluminum, of course.
This is pretty much the way I do it:

- except i grind the material til it's sandy through the electric coffee grinder as part of the preparation. and maybe i'll sprinkle it with a dash of liquid lecithin to aid in transport.
one of the things i like about it is that these are "snacks" - not a whole batch and I don't have to wait til I have an humongous quantity of AVB.

Anyway is there anything like a suitable glass cover as a replacement for aluminum that I could use if you could visualize a few crackers in the toaster oven, so there's no concern with toxicity?
What about parchment paper?



You're probably overreacting when it comes to concerns about cooking with aluminium. I'm struggling to find a credible academic/expert who suggests cooking with aluminium foil or aluminium cookware is toxic. If you're going to use parchmnet paper just be careful what temperature it will be exposed to, here's something google found me:

edit: Also, that looks like a tasty recipe! I might try it with some ABV myself :D.


Hopefully you're right - one less thing to concern yourself with.
Went down to my local grocery store a few minutes ago, didn't see parchment and the mention in the article about parchment containing silicone was a turn off, so I picked up aluminum foil - I'll use until I can rig up something better maybe using a small glass lid.

I'm not sure that firecrackers are a really tasty recipe but they are edible, very simple to make - it's not a major production, and they absolutely get you very fucked up. peanut butter is a good transport agent.


borosilicate fiend..
I dunno, I throw foil in my oven all the time when I heat up cold stuff (pizza or something, idk.. first thing that came to my mind.) I've always wanted to try one, but never got around to doing it.. How's it taste? I bet it tastes pretty bad.. maybe worse with the ABV. I always ate edibles done right, with all the plant matter strained out.. but you're right, it takes WAY too long to collect ABV.

Maybe I'll have to try this sometime soon.. tomorrow sounds good, lol.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the aluminum, I was watching Good Eats on Food Network with Alton Brown and he said it's nothing to be concerned about.
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