Salutations everybody,
Actually it's about the pregnenolone molecule which appears to interfere with a cannabic receptor called CB1:
Well, i'd say the main goal is to, euh... Lets put it this way: it will cure physical addiction of cannabis!
The end of cold turkeys...
Wow, what great news that is!! Now all companies will require a cannabis-free environment where everyone chews a special type of gum, sticks a patch on, drops a pill, whatever! Why not even distribute this miracle of science through water, air and food?...
After all, this would be the end of a failed & costly anti-cannabic war!... So everyone would be satisfied and relieved to think no child will ever risk falling into the abismal inferno of this evil dame Marihuana again (...) - except cannabis users will be utterly pissed off to be the ones who must assume consequences for such level of collective bigotry, of course!
Gee, do i hope i won't see that day!
M'yeah, call me fearmonger!! That's what one would have sounded like if he could have talked about Ritalin in schools during the '30s, no doubt.
But yet my point is this: Pier Vincenzo Piazza isn't actually going to cure some so-called "addiction", provided he can provide replicable proof that such a thing is real. This medecine only blocks the CB1 receptor site for THC, hence on an immediate basis this accomplishes nothing relatively to psychological dependance as it's all about suppressing THC intoxication - ONLY!
E.G. You'd still want your toke while it's just not getting through anymore!!
In other words, in a cannabis-free environment it wouldn't matter if our vaporizers have been loaded with nice goodies as we'd get no joy from it. So that's absolutely no solution to mental issues which are said to be cannabis-related (!) - and i believe dependance corresponds to such a state; at best it can only help with starting a tolerance break, if that's what someone even requires!...
Actually it's about the pregnenolone molecule which appears to interfere with a cannabic receptor called CB1:
Well, i'd say the main goal is to, euh... Lets put it this way: it will cure physical addiction of cannabis!
The end of cold turkeys...
Wow, what great news that is!! Now all companies will require a cannabis-free environment where everyone chews a special type of gum, sticks a patch on, drops a pill, whatever! Why not even distribute this miracle of science through water, air and food?...
After all, this would be the end of a failed & costly anti-cannabic war!... So everyone would be satisfied and relieved to think no child will ever risk falling into the abismal inferno of this evil dame Marihuana again (...) - except cannabis users will be utterly pissed off to be the ones who must assume consequences for such level of collective bigotry, of course!
Gee, do i hope i won't see that day!
M'yeah, call me fearmonger!! That's what one would have sounded like if he could have talked about Ritalin in schools during the '30s, no doubt.
But yet my point is this: Pier Vincenzo Piazza isn't actually going to cure some so-called "addiction", provided he can provide replicable proof that such a thing is real. This medecine only blocks the CB1 receptor site for THC, hence on an immediate basis this accomplishes nothing relatively to psychological dependance as it's all about suppressing THC intoxication - ONLY!
E.G. You'd still want your toke while it's just not getting through anymore!!
In other words, in a cannabis-free environment it wouldn't matter if our vaporizers have been loaded with nice goodies as we'd get no joy from it. So that's absolutely no solution to mental issues which are said to be cannabis-related (!) - and i believe dependance corresponds to such a state; at best it can only help with starting a tolerance break, if that's what someone even requires!...