Feds Target California Pot Dispensaries


Well-Known Member

Whatever happen to "we dont make the laws just enforce them"

The people create the laws and the govt is suppose to uphold it


Vapeosaurus Rex
lepstadder said:

Whatever happen to "we dont make the laws just enforce them"

The people create the laws and the govt is suppose to uphold it

I know, it is pretty ridiculous. I wonder how the dispensaries are going to act/respond to the letters that they are being sent. It would be hard not to do anything when being so threatened. I think the FEDs are jealous that a plant can help so many people.


Well-Known Member
I suppose what you mean by "the people" affects the truth of this statement IMO:

lepstadder said:
The people create the laws and the govt is suppose to uphold it

At least in the U.S. "the people" elect those who create the laws. IMO/E not too much national policy-making occurs in the voting booth, of course "the people" should (IMO) have a say on what laws get implemented...unfortunately there seems to be a large disconnect between the populace and policy making and implementation. Anyways, I'm not sure who you're talking about when recalling "we don't make the laws just enforce them." The Executive branch? Certainly not the U.S. Federal Government in general?

Also, I have to add that this doesn't seem to be all that shocking. One of the salient points in that article for me was the following:
"This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. The Administration is simply making good on multiple threats issued since President Obama took office," Kevin Sabet, a former adviser to the president's drug czar who is a fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Substance Abuse Solutions.


hereatlast said:
At least in the U.S. "the people" elect those who create the laws. IMO/E not too much national policy-making occurs in the voting booth, of course "the people" should (IMO) have a say on what laws get implemented...unfortunately there seems to be a large disconnect between the populace and policy making and implementation.

I think that was the point in the declaration of independence that said we are justified in a revolution. :brow:


Well-Known Member
All I have to say is that my dreams have been crushed :(

best of luck to those fighting for it!


Well-Known Member
If you are in NYC i hope you are fighting for it

Get out on the streets and make it happen people


Active Member
Sorry Cali...welcome to the party :(

At least they are only going after illegal for-profit organizations. And RI is in even worse shape than both of us IMO.


Well-Known Member

Hey Forum members ,
I saw a little news item briefly on the tv , so I didn't get the whole gist of the story .

But it was about cracking down or tightening of the California MJ dispensaries .

Can someone elaborate please ?


Well-Known Member
Thanx Pappy ,
That sucks ,
I know we can't be naive about , that there may be a criminality aspect that want to take
advantage of this law .
But it hurts the real people/patients that rely on this service .
I've been reading that Mich. is having the same problem .

I'm currently applying for a MJ license up here in Canada....( by year's end hopefully ) !!!
I hope we are not going down that road , and in fact , maybe stem the tide for the US citizens
in turn .

It's twenty freakin eleven man .:mad:
What's funny is that most of the politicians we have went to college in the 70's and 80's .
And they definitely can't be immune to MJ.....possibly from personal experience or family/friends .

Let's all watch " Reefer Madness " again and have a good laugh !

Good Luck Cali and Mich.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this move made very little sense to me.

Obama is not anti-pot like the neo-cons who actually believe it's the devils weed. He opposes legalization for political reasons.

We know this because it's very clear how comfortable he was with the perception amongst voters that he would be willing to take a more rational approach to the drug war, prior to election.

So now as the young voters who put him in office are becoming more and more disillusioned to his position on various issues, why do this now? Stupid move.


Naruto Fan
They have clearly gotten some help from Modern PR on their narrative, and they're clearly using lots of different groups and avenues to chill this (bleep) out.

Can I hold out hope for the 2012 ballot having and passing a legalization measure?

Alternate narratives need to gain traction, because their's makes sense, but fails to capture the whole story.

I personally believe it is the ADHD population who need it, and addicts are willing to climb down the drug ladder when cannabis is a choice.

We really need to take back the narrative.

My personal favorite is that it was a "right" in the public domain, and that right was stolen by the government and big business, and under questionable pretenses.
It should be put back in the public domain, no matter what the repercussions to business. There is a small percentage of the population who use it to self-medicate for their ADHD, and no infringement on their rights should be brooked (as it appears the government actually seeks out and tortures the ADHD among us).

This is like don't ask don't tell, they know they can attack and repress us, and make profit off of us, because public opinion is on their side, so we're the new Gays, but our time will come, and then I'll blow rasberries at 'em, mean intollerant beestards.

We need to get that treaty nullified. The US dunces need to get educated about harm reduction and titration amongst pot users, so they can ignore some of the talking points that are getting thrown at them.

We need to get people to stop and see they're getting bombarded with noise for a reason, and they should look behind that reason.
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