Favorite Video Game?


Well-Known Member
Right now, I cant say that I have a favorite. If i was forced to pick, I'd have to say Bushido Blade on the ps1. But on march 9th that will change when final fantasy 13 comes out :love:


Serial vapist
So hard to choose. I'd say the game I associated with getting stoned the most is probably Zelda Ocarina of Time... and Windwaker, and Twilight Princess for that matter lol. Spent a lot of time w/ friends getting ripped and playing mario kart, mainly 64, but some double dash and wii of course. Just recently we re-beat Double dash cooperatively on the GC/wii emulator dolphin. In 1080p, 16x AA,AF, 16:9 aspect, on my new 60" DLP, it was so epic, I think that takes the cake this year, as far as gaming experience go.

I have a lot of fond memories of Dreamcast too, RIP, Phantasy Star Online, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Shenmue, Soul Reaver (what got me into one of my fav game series of all time).

I remember beating Halo 1 and later 2 on legendary co-op difficulty when it came out w/ my friend, and we had a blast. Gears of war, Serious sam, Half-Life 1 Sven Co-op, the original Rainbow6, Rogue Spear, even Vegas and Vegas2, Left4Dead 1, Killing Floor (best zombie FPS ever!), you only live twice, HL2 Synergy Co-Op, CoD WaW, Operation Flashpoint, Guild Wars, Gauntlet Legends, new super mario bros, House of the Dead 2... so many good times with co-op games. I think cooperative games are really the best for when youre vaked cause then you can just goof off and have fun with your friends without hard feelings and bad vibes that come in the way lol.


Chief Vapor Officer
Mario Kart 64 is definitely a CLASSIC - that game turned many a non-gamer into at least a casual gamer.

My favorite game of all time is a tie between Fight Night Rd 4 and UFC Unleashed and NBA 2K10

whenever the next edition comes out of those games, those will be my favorite.

These are basically the skills that I wish I had in real life.


Well-Known Member
Tetris 2

for the nes

greatest puzzle game ever

its like if Dr.Mario ran across Tetris in a dark alley

and 9 months later Tetris 2 is born


The Donkey Kong Country series on SNES hands down... 1, 2 and 3 are all equally awesome.

Oh... and Dance Dance Revolution :uhoh: Been playing quite seriously for 8 years now, I'm one of those guys that gathers a large crowd at arcades because I look like I'm having a seizure furiously stepping a 1000 times a minute. I'm pretty much the only non-asian guy at tournaments :ninja:

Although I have/will never replay it, Zelda Ocarina of Time was my greatest single gaming experience ever.


vapor junkie
Staff member
If I had 1 minute to choose...

Soul Calibur dc
Marvel vs Capcom arcade

UT99 pc
TF2 pc

All time... have to go with the sentimental choice. I'll never forget unwrapping that NES.




Well-Known Member
Used to REALLY be into MotoGp on the XBox. Then got really into WoW.

I just have to stay away from these games. I get into them wayyyyy too much.


Well-Known Member
Only read my post if your bored because it turned out WAY longer than I originally had in mind, otherwise skip it!

My earliest memory of really being into games were of The Legend of Zelda and Metroid for NES. Honorable mentions in this area were Fester's Quest and Blaster Master, both were pretty dang hard. Super Nintendo brought Final Fantasy 2 and 3, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter 2, and Chrono Trigger. My favorite of this era hands down was Super Metroid. When spending the night at my friend's house I had to settle for Sega Genesis all-night sessions. It was Sonic 2, Kid Chameleon, NBA Jam, and Sonic Pinball. Favorite there was Sonic the Hedgehog 2, with Kid Chameleon a close runner-up. THAT was a hard game. Later with Playstation it was Final Fantasy 7, Persona, Vandal Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, Xenogears, Front Mission 3, Final Fantasy Tactics, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Wild Arms, Tecmo's Deception, and Resident Evil. My personal favorite of that period was Metal Gear Solid. Hardest game here goes to Tecmo's Deception. Next I'm into FPS on PC, Doom 2/ Action Quake/ Rocket Arena/ CTF etc., Unreal Tournament, Kingpin, Shogo, Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (before they shortened the name). Favorite memorable game here, Doom 2. Easily because I went to LAN parties and tournaments like Bastard's Beatdown. Hardest game here was: none actually! Playstation 2 time brought me Gran Turismo 3, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Final Fantasy 12, Smuggler's Run, God of War, Ico, and Shadow of the Colossus. Award goes to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas! Fast foward a few years until after WoW releases my soul and I'm back to good ol' consoles.
Xbox 360: I was into Call of Duty, Gears of War 1 & 2, Left for Dead, Halo 3, and Fallout 3. Favorite was Fallout 3, still never finished it. My console got banned from Xbox Live after about 2 years of stealthed gaming. "Borderlands" introduced a new security feature unseen to the hacking community that allowed Microsoft to see who was playing with hacked consoles. Took me a while to get over my loss of online play but I eventually sold the Xbox 360, kept the games (for later) and bought a PS3 on Black Friday.
So here I am now with my Playstation, playing Bioshock. Yes I know it's old but I love it. Modern Warfare 2 had my soul for a little while but I got a bit sick of it. I also play God of War 1&2, and sometimes Little Big Planet with my girlfriend. Favorite here is Bioshock! I'm in love with this game. I really hope by the time I pass it and purchase Bioshock 2 I'm able to get the same feeling from it. I've had favorites on handheld consoles as well but I don't feel they are epic enough to mention.


Well-Known Member
I would have to join the Mario cart 64 train. my freshman year of College was surrounded by that game. We would play it to death. Now whenever anyone wants to play they get mad because they cant beat me. :brow:


Well-Known Member
If anyone digs puzzle games i would love to find a someone who can at least come close to beating me at tetris 2



Serial vapist
man, i wish there was a way we could do a Mk64 match online. I've been trying to find someone that can beat me at it for so long lol. My friends don't even really want to try anymore lol i played MK will online quite a bit when it came out and i was getting really high up on the overall ranks, but then my wii got stolen :|

so now i'm all PC gaming, with some console games through emulation. Although, i have been thinking about getting one of those new nintendo DSi XLs with the larger screens so i can play some MK at work lol. But the problem with the online on MK DS is that everyone just snakes like crazy, and if you dont, you stand no chance of winning.


Well-Known Member
Something that kinda ties into this. Have any of you been watching Caprica on the SyFi channel?


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
Something that kinda ties into this. Have any of you been watching Caprica on the SyFi channel?
I rented it on Netflix when it came out last year. Pretty good spin-off mini series. For those that can't catch it on SyFi it's available to watch on Hulu.


What's Going On?
To answer the topic of the thread, SSB on the 64 and MK64 were both equally amazing in my opinion. BTW that duck hunt up their fosho, but the original Mega Man oh yea!

Side note, I have never seen caprica, but last night at like 5am, I turned on the syfi channel, and my guide said it was twilight zone so i was excited and I had no idea what i was watching for that half hour, just a little bit beyond me when I am that gone. Looks cool though :ko:.


Rock the Casbah
sour said:
Only read my post if your bored because it turned out WAY longer than I originally had in mind, otherwise skip it!

My earliest memory of really being into games were of The Legend of Zelda and Metroid for NES. Honorable mentions in this area were Fester's Quest and Blaster Master, both were pretty dang hard. Super Nintendo brought Final Fantasy 2 and 3, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter 2, and Chrono Trigger. My favorite of this era hands down was Super Metroid. When spending the night at my friend's house I had to settle for Sega Genesis all-night sessions. It was Sonic 2, Kid Chameleon, NBA Jam, and Sonic Pinball. Favorite there was Sonic the Hedgehog 2, with Kid Chameleon a close runner-up. THAT was a hard game. Later with Playstation it was Final Fantasy 7, Persona, Vandal Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, Xenogears, Front Mission 3, Final Fantasy Tactics, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Wild Arms, Tecmo's Deception, and Resident Evil. My personal favorite of that period was Metal Gear Solid. Hardest game here goes to Tecmo's Deception. Next I'm into FPS on PC, Doom 2/ Action Quake/ Rocket Arena/ CTF etc., Unreal Tournament, Kingpin, Shogo, Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (before they shortened the name). Favorite memorable game here, Doom 2. Easily because I went to LAN parties and tournaments like Bastard's Beatdown. Hardest game here was: none actually! Playstation 2 time brought me Gran Turismo 3, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Final Fantasy 12, Smuggler's Run, God of War, Ico, and Shadow of the Colossus. Award goes to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas! Fast foward a few years until after WoW releases my soul and I'm back to good ol' consoles.
Xbox 360: I was into Call of Duty, Gears of War 1 & 2, Left for Dead, Halo 3, and Fallout 3. Favorite was Fallout 3, still never finished it. My console got banned from Xbox Live after about 2 years of stealthed gaming. "Borderlands" introduced a new security feature unseen to the hacking community that allowed Microsoft to see who was playing with hacked consoles. Took me a while to get over my loss of online play but I eventually sold the Xbox 360, kept the games (for later) and bought a PS3 on Black Friday.
So here I am now with my Playstation, playing Bioshock. Yes I know it's old but I love it. Modern Warfare 2 had my soul for a little while but I got a bit sick of it. I also play God of War 1&2, and sometimes Little Big Planet with my girlfriend. Favorite here is Bioshock! I'm in love with this game. I really hope by the time I pass it and purchase Bioshock 2 I'm able to get the same feeling from it. I've had favorites on handheld consoles as well but I don't feel they are epic enough to mention.
Ctrl + F..."xenogears"

My favourite game!

Looks like we got into gaming the same time too. My first addictions were with Mario Bros+Duck Hunt & Zelda for NES.

Add me to psn...karimd


Well-Known Member
Currently the only favorite video game I can think of right now is the God of War series, probably because the GoWIII is only 2 weeks away!!

Also, Mass Effect 1 + 2 is an amazing experience.


i used to sit in the bathroom for hours playing Donkey Kong Game and Watch.
Still think the original Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog is tops.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha, I love how this thread immediately picks up so much interest (especially sour!). Says something about us vaporists (:

I'd agree a lot with steiner666; Zelda Ocarina of Time is a game I just started replaying, I love it so much. Ditto on Mario Kart 64, but that might have something to do with it being turned into a drinking or vaping game among my friends and I. The Halo games are fantastic fun too. Ogre Battle series is a sweet try too.

My all-time favorite game, which is probably the greatest role-playing game of all time, has got to be Harvest Moon 64. Definitely a different game then most are use to, but I have yet to find a person who started playing it seriously and didn't get extremely hooked.

That and SSB64 are probably what I play the most.

@steiner666: Are you very familiar with emulators? Because you can definitely play MK64 online. With a minimal investment you can even use a normal 64 controller and the like. I use to play SSB64 tournaments all the time with upwards of about 40 people. Its a blast.


Serial vapist
PerseusStoned said:
@steiner666: Are you very familiar with emulators? Because you can definitely play MK64 online. With a minimal investment you can even use a normal 64 controller and the like. I use to play SSB64 tournaments all the time with upwards of about 40 people. Its a blast.
Yeah, i only play games on my PC. I use project64 for n64 and dolphin for GC/Wii. I think i might have heard about netplay for some other emulators, but usually it wasn't really a positive opinion. Which emulator is best for playing MK? I could def go for some of that


Well-Known Member
I suggest the Project64k emulator using the Kaillera server. Haven't used it for awhile, but it use to work great.
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