Personally, I would only use the temp on any vaporizers as somewhat of a gauge to help you achieve your "sweet spot" right away, on a daily basis. I wouldn't fixate over temp's and what not.
My keys to know if I'm vaping right:
Color (golden-brown, baked herbs!)
Vapor Production (Vapor/Air ratio; any experienced vaporist will know if they are getting a good hit, regardless of temp, solely based off of vapor production and quality).
Add more!
Some of us aren't looking for a "sweet spot" so much as a specific effect, like, say pain relief... So the temps are quite important for us. You wouldn't notice the differences if you were vaping for entertainment and pleasure. And, frankly, when I'm in pain, I dont GET high, I get relief. If you don't understand that, I'm very happy for you, and that is NOT a sarcastic remark. I actually hope you never quite get it how mmj and pain work, because that would necessitate you having a painful condition of some kind. But rest assured, if you do NOT have such issues, there are different reasons for vaping than mere enjoyment. I so wish that could be my main reason!
On the other hand, I just got an arizer solo, and I mean, today! I've been "walking the ladder" on it, and that's an amazing experience. I wish I could know for sure what temps are actually being produced at each of these levels, but my personal experience with my Volcano tells me that 2 is around 145ish c, and 3 is around 160ish c. That's how it FEELS to me. I'm currently searching for a chart of the Solo's temps, but I know that my draw affects those temps, so even when I find the list, it won't be exact. As long as it's somewhere near my faves: 145, 160, 175 and 190, I'll be happy.
I make huge use of my abv, btw. Volcano and Solo produce medibles, and all other abv goes to making vape juice and oils. I have made several batches of each now, having achieved reproduceability on butter, glycerin vape juice, semi-solid oil from Everclear (made with reclaim and cleaning tools as well as kief and hash). So that's another reason I like temp control in vaping. I vape at low temps and that decarbs my stash, essentially. Works, from the results, anyway. A post-surgical friend voted for the vape juice and the oil. He was already hooked on butter.
Just another viewpoint, friend. Glad you don't have to worry about dosing or other minutae when you vape. I'm only saying that some of us DO have to worry about it.