Favorite adult swim shows?


Well-Known Member
I love Metalocalypse. Basically an animated Spinal Tap, and for Metal, the music isn't that bad, pretty talented creator.

Just wish Space Ghost: C2C would come back on....


DrMephisto said:
I love Metalocalypse. Basically an animated Spinal Tap, and for Metal, the music isn't that bad, pretty talented creator.

Just wish Space Ghost: C2C would come back on....
Murderface is my favorite of that show!


Unconscious Objector
The very unfortunately cancelled 'Fat guy stuck in internet'. Probably watched each episode 20-30 times.



Well-Known Member
i'm on cocaaainnneeeee!

how the hell could i forget metalocalypse and venture bros?
I have 2 seasons of Squidbillies on dvd. I have all the volumes of Aquateen on dvd. I have all the episodes of Sealab 2021 on dvd. I have all the episodes of the Brak show on dvd. As you can see, I loves me some adult swim. My other favorite shows are definitely Metalocalypse, Super Jail, and venture bros. Oooh, and does anyone know if they will be coming out with another season of the Drinky Crow show? Man, I just realized that almost 90 percent of my favorite television shows are cartoons. Which brings me to a fond memory I have of being about 9 years old and telling my cousin, while watching looney toons, that I will never grow out of loving cartoons, ever...lol. I sure kept that vow. I think the only non cartoon show I love is Always sunny in Philadelphia.
Edited to add- I think that the final season of Moral Orel has to be one of the deepest, and emotionally striking cartoon series of all time. The humor was dark and yet it had quite the uplifting undertones to it. Not to mention the music they used for that season. I am now on a mission to get it on dvd. Thanks for reminding me of this cartoon.


What's Going On?
I definitely have to say ATHF is my favorite and Metalocalypse is a close second, other than that there are good ones, but they don't compete in my opinion. haha, "I'm Dr. Rockso the rock and roll god, and I do cocaine."


Well-Known Member
I think my avatar gives away my favorite AS show as well as my fave character on said show :p .


John Brown
Venture bros man, the show uses so much foreshadowing it is amazing. Season four is great.
Dethklok rules!


Well-Known Member
athf, family guy, moral orel, boondocks, robot chicken, tim and eric, and hell, when baked i can even watch assy mcgee. o and the british version of the office is wayyyyy better than the american version, and i normally hate british anything.

ps any fans of human giant or wonder showzen (they used to air on mtv)? both are fucking fantastic to watch when baked, highly recommend them (pun really not intended)


Well-Known Member
moral orel, boondocks, robot chicken, metalocolypse, and all the saturday night anime shows. Bleach is so legit. Oh wait, let me correct myself... I go do something for 30 minutes while full metal alchemist is on. but then i come back


Serial vapist
Favorite of all-time? Space Ghost C2C.

Favorite on the air right now? Metalocalypse! WOOOOOOO!! YEEEEAAAAH! DEEEEETHKLOK! lol. I've been watchin them since the premier and I caught them on their first tour too, which was actually pretty lame compared to most metal shows i go to, since the venue was packed and not set up right for like, half of the audience to be able to see the projector screen. Still, something special about hearing the Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle blasting at the volume it deserves to be heard at, LIVE.

I love Bleach (have also been watching it since it premiered... in japan) and some of the other anime shows they have on the channel, but I never watch the shows on tthere, as I watch the subbed versions earlier.

Another honorable mention for me would be Sealab (take a guess when I started watching it? LOL)... it was so sad that the guy who did my favorite characters voice died, because the series wasnt the same after ol' murphy left. I also really liked ATHF, but I havent watched a lot of the later episodes. I also didnt really care for the movie either. For some reason i just dont find the newer stuff as funny as the first couple seasons.


Well-Known Member
Xavier: Renegade Angel is my all-time favorite show. The show was made on drugs for people on drugs.
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