My absolute favorite would be getting blitzed (not just high, not just stoned, blitzed - we've all been there

) and just start watching documentaries on space with a buddy.
You get about 10 minutes in before some part of the awesomeness of astronomy blows your friggin mind.
There's so much beauty out there that is so greatly unappreciated...
I could spend days just looking over hubble photos...
Thank you Science
Then, by the end of it, you can start contemplating all the awesomeness you just absorbed with your buddy.
Then Video games...
I likes me some games at the best of times (I've spent more on Games/consoles than all of my vapes/glass combined... Hell, I've spent more on the PS2, and I've spent less on that than on the PS3... Games can be expensive

), but games while high is awesome.
It feels that much more immersive, I just sorta become "one" with the game, I'm not pressing R1 to trigger the little guy on the big screen to do something, I'm frantically running around, trying to shoot a mercenary in the face before he shoots me
Last, but certainly not least, playing with pets.
Pets are awesome.
Pets while high are the fucking bomb

(except my cat, I swear she can tell when I'm high, she always seems grumpy at me when I'm high

Honorable Mentions:
Having a shower
Cleaning up (I'm lazy as hell normally, but every now and then when I'm baked I just get this urge to clean...)
Consuming Food (

Watching Movies/TV