Favorite ABV Recipes?


Well-Known Member
Im a research type and I like to be prepared so with my first vape on the way im wondering what your favorite uses/recipes are for your ABV MJ? I have tons of food allergies/intolerances so it gets complicated for me but id love to hear what good uses there are for ABV besides crockpot oil.


Osn Dosn

Well-Known Member
This thread kinda fits to express my very first abv experience I had yesterday:

2 slices of toast, Nutella, 1g ABV (dark brown, more would have been to much to eat on that), a few minutes in the sandwich maker to get it really hot

Tasted yummy with a surprising character of fresh green, no psychoactive effect at all :/


Well-Known Member
This is the most effective/easy-to-consume recipe I've found.

The recipe in the first post works,
but there's lots of great modifications throughout the thread.


Thank you for the link I shall start working my way through them :).

This thread kinda fits to express my very first abv experience I had yesterday:

2 slices of toast, Nutella, 1g ABV (dark brown, more would have been to much to eat on that), a few minutes in the sandwich maker to get it really hot

Tasted yummy with a surprising character of fresh green, no psychoactive effect at all :/

Hmmm did you feel any body high or pain relief from it? Im not sure what you wanted to get out of it so im not sure how to phrase it lol.
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