I have never hit an EQ, but am happy to be an owner of DaBuddha. Its easy to use, durable, and gets you where you want to be. After my first time using it, it got me as lifted as the serene buddha guy on the logo.
Herbage falling into the heater compartment hasn't happened to me much. This would only happen if you don't have the unit on a level surface. Also just like any other pot smoking device you do
NEVER exhale into to it. Doing so would result in it going into the heater.
People may knock DBV for not having a temp readout but you have to consider that people hit pieces differently. Setting the temp at 320, means going faster or slower would result in an actual temperature slightly lower/higher than what it says it is. In general DBV setting it around 1 clock should do the trick. Another potential drawback of DBV vs EQ is the advantage the EQ has in a group sesh with the bags. Easy way to overcome this is to purchase a 10ft tube from DBV's site - only $10.99.
DaBuddha is a solid product and it gets the job done. With it being a whip style vape it is reminiscent for me of when I smoked hookah. I kind of feel that with DBV - it is satisfying just kickin back taking a long draw, tasting the ganja, and exhaling a nice vape cloud. DaBuddha hits hard and it's a great feeling. And while not very portable I've been known to bring it on the road with a power inverter. Well once after getting pretty high my bud and I had finished our car sesh and I accidently dropped the Buddha 2-3ish feet. I was stunned to find it only got a tiny knick and the glass piece housing the heater held in place. While not recommended you could probably chuck it at a brick wall and it'd just suffer a couple knicks/scratches.
Gadabout, I hope that you have found my input helpful.

I'm sure whatever you decide you will be satisfied because either way it is a big
FUCK YOU to combustion.