EVO, Mighty, Plenty, or easy valve?

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
@ChooChooCharlie said something to me that made a much bigger impact than I think he intended or expected:
Just think it would be nice for you to sit on sofa in comfortable position vaping a hand-held unit, rather than wheel up to a desk or counter. Unless you have side table space near an outlet I suppose. But it's liberating being able to hold a cordless unit.

(He's talking about the Plenty, of course.)

(Oh, wait. No he's not. I guess he's talking about the Mighty. Regardless, everything I say in this post relates to the Plenty because I wrote the post before I realized he wasn't talking about the Plenty.)

You're so right. Perfect timing, too. Because today I used muscles for the first time in about six months. (I'm barely exaggerating here.) Consequently, I'm sore enough to really want to curl up on the couch with something warm and weedy.

I spend much of my time lying on this couch with my head near the end table. It's nice having the Volcano there on the table, but it would surely be even nicer at times like now (when I'm sore and tired) to be able to just lie here and enjoy some herbs without feeling any pressure to suck it all in before it condenses.

(So I guess I need to give the Mighty some more thought now.)

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
This is weird. Usually whenever I decide I want a new vape, I make the decision fairly quickly to pull the trigger; perhaps impulsively. This time, however, I've been very patient, and it seems my patience has been rewarded.

Here's what I mean: I believe I was leaning heavily toward the EVO when I started this thread. But having been patient and having carefully thought about everything, the EVO has revealed to me a couple huge red flags: 1) Fragility; and 2) It gets uncomfortably hot; hot enough to motivate Vapexhale to include additional thermal protection. That's not only annoying, but it also tells me the EVO is inefficient; it wastes heat that could be used to decrease the heat-up time, for example.

I could buy an EVO despite its red flags, but I know that would most likely leave me with a new or fairly new broken vape. Or I could make a conscious choice to avoid ending up with a very expensive broken vape by not buying one. I've determined it's not my responsibility to pay a ton of money for something with big red flags that should not exist and could easily be eliminated if only the vape producer chose to eliminate them.

From my perspective, Vapexhale needs to identify problems and potential problems with their product(s), then make the problem(s) not exist. Not for me but for everyone who has already decided they'd like to buy an EVO but choose not to buy one because it's a risky purchase. It's simple economics, and it's their responsibility to supply what their target market demands if they want their business to prosper for a long time to come.

S&B does that constantly, which is why there is essentially no risk in buying any S&B product: They supply what a very large percentage of their target market demands. There are very good reasons why S&B has been around longer than anyone, and why they'll probably be around long after all other current vape producers are gone.

I hope Vapexhale will eventually realize if they want to sell to everyone who already wants to buy their product, it's their responsibility to provide what their target market demands. It's not their target market's responsibility to take risks that Vapexhale could easily make disappear.

I'm not bitching here. Rather, I'm sharing valuable thoughts most people would never take the time to share. Hopefully Vapexhale is paying attention to this thread, because I hope someday I will not feel like the EVO is a prohibitively risky purchase.

Why should I buy your product instead of someone else's?

Anyone who runs any business needs to be able to answer that question, without bullshitting. It's a question I asked myself regularly when I hoped to open a pizzeria. And although the pizzeria has never existed, if it had existed I would have been able to sufficiently answer that question for almost everyone who may have asked. Like S&B can.

I'm still leaning heavily toward Plenty. Feels like it's about time to go for it.
Aimless Ryan,
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Well-Known Member
This time, however, I've been very patient,
It's good to be patient, no rush.
Your latest leaning is toward the Plenty, but a couple points to consider;
- do you use big loads/ need the plenty big Plenty chamber (3.4 cm3 vs Mighty 1.4 cm3)? It's just under 2.5 X the Mighty.
- what temps do you like to use? FYI, Plenty max temp is 395 F and Mighty max is 410 F.
- with your muscle issues, do you care that Plenty is heavier? One retailer listed Plenty as 1.5 pounds AND 2.0 pounds on same page??? They listed Mighty as 0.5 lbs AND 1.6 lbs???

Plenty is old old design which isn't bad as it's tried and true, bulletproof.
I find Mighty much easier to use with its smaller, easy to hold size and its great battery life.
Since EVO for you seems to be "out" with a breakable glass core and the unit getting hot to touch, IMO
the Mighty would be best. It is extremely easy to use and efficient with a smaller chamber.

Do you use/want a whip or mouthpiece or connect to bubbler? How do you want to use a new vape?
Mighty is super easy to use as long as you are ok with cleaning the CU regularly, which can be as easy as
a soak in PBW and rinse.

Everyone's wants/needs are different but I rate the Mighty well above the Plenty. for most vapers.
EDIT---how do you use Herbalizer? Whip, bags, hydratube? What temps? Big or small loads? May help determine which vape to buy
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I would definitely go for the mighty, maybe even with the 2-can stand. I don't see any advantages of the Plenty considering your current lineup of vaporizers. I see 3 plugins and two torch powered portables, so I'd say a portable electric would fill a void not currently occupied.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Shit, Minn, I just realized you asked me a whole bunch of questions. Here are some answers.
  • I tend to use small loads. However, lately I tend to put like half a gram in the solid valve filling chamber and tap it every now and then for a few sips.
  • Muscle issues. Wish I knew. I think now that I'm getting some pain relief, then a little more pain relief, I'm: 1) Getting stronger; 2) Beginning to realize how unbelievably weak I've been for too long.
  • I don't currently have any water tools, nor do I plan to get any. This sudden urge to get a new vape seems to have been caused by pretty much using only bags (Volcano) for months. Until lately I hadn't really used anything but the Volcano since I got it (early January). The Volcano is very good at making other vapes go unused.
  • When I use the Herbalizer, I usually use bags, though I like fan-assisted whip, too. I generally use max temp with all vapes. Big loads get about 7 on the Volcano knob if I fill a whole bag.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Well, I think I count at least four votes for Mighty, with no votes for the others; even from "that Plenty guy". (I don't even remember that many people responding.) Feels like Mighty is way out in front now, looking back and giving the finger to its brother Plenty as it approaches the checkered flag.

I've listened to y'all's thoughts, and it's been fun. If there are any more thoughts, please keep 'em coming, because I never stop trying to learn. Guess I'm gonna have to watch some Mighty videos now. Let's see what the Vape Critic has to say. (I probably already have, but I have a different context now.)

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone.



Well-Known Member
Once again as someone who owns both the Mighty and the Cloud.

I can summarize their positives and negatives pretty quickly.

Flavor - Cloud wins
Ease of use - Mighty wins
Fragility - Mighty wins
Vapor production - Cloud
Portability - Mighty
Least amount of herb required for results - Cloud
Temperature Display - Mighty
Heat up time - Mighty
Least harsh on throat - Cloud
Oil/Dabbing/Hash - Cloud
Dry - Mighty
Through Water - Cloud

You mentioned the heat factor with the Evo,
and whilst it is true that it does get quite hot,
similar but far less intense than holding a hot cup of tea. I've never found this to be an issue, if you hold it from the bottom of the unit it will always be perfectly cool. However with your health condition due to it's all glass pathway and how easy it would be to tip over, i can only recommend it with a whip. The main reason I recommend it over the Mighty, is because you already have a Volcano and the Mighty is essentially a portable volcano. Since you don't have much use for a portable vape, your better off getting a good quality desktop vape (even for cheaper).

TLDR : Mighty is a great PORTABLE device which is almost on the same level as many desktop units, which is amazing! But there are cheaper better options out there for your use if you think you're mainly going to be using it at home.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I appreciate the effort you put into that last post, but I've been out exercising for the sixth straight day after barely moving the last six months, so I'm feeling relatively mighty right now. How appropriate. (Y'all could kick my ass without even trying, but you know.) I think I hear @PuffItUp calling my name.


Well-Known Member
Mighty is a good choice IMO to complement your current plugin triumphant collection.

After you fall in love with your Mighty cordless couch vaping freedom, the classic topic of cleaning will eventually arise. May I suggest you buy a three pack of Mighty CU's, and clean them in a batch. KP duty is required for any vape, but if you have the dexterity to separate the CU, and clean using the "iso bag resting in a bowl of VERY hot water method," it's easy. Or, you can clean like shown in that video you posted -- up to you.

Here's a pic of my CU's drying after a final water bath.


Make sure those o-rings around the oval shaped post are positioned at the lowest point. Takes a bit of stoned concentrated effort to coax the o-ring down low on the post with your nails. If you don't, they get clipped and shredded when locking.

If you feel you can fill, close, and open the capsules reasonably well, then they open a new consumption world -- think of it as convenience or as dosage contol. Or both. When you get that complementary capsule, it will be difficult opening the lid. If you "abuse" the new caps a bit with squeezing and reshaping, they get easier to open. In terms of physically handling -- first advice -- dump them directly from Mighty into ashtray. They remain super hot for 30 seconds. Do not dump onto fabric or surface affected by heat, unless you want to create decorative circle shaped melt marks.

To open the capsules, I prefer curling left forefinger to hold capsule, with left thumb tip securing front of capsule base to create a vise. Then use right thumb nail to pry upwards near the point where your left thumb nail is. The capsule lid opens as if there is a hinge. Think leverage. But relax, they get very easy to open over time.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Puff It Up and the USPS, when teamed up, are so unbelievably awesome; at least when I order from PIU. After less than 48 hours, the Mighty is already at my suburban Columbus post office, ready for delivery.

This being my third order from PIU (I think), it's always fun to follow tracking updates. Seems like my orders always land on a truck that goes down I-80 from Reno all the way to Toledo without stopping (except for a driver change), then head south a few more hours to Columbus. This time, though, no trace of Toledo in the tracking history/summary. (I'm guessing the Reno-to-Toledo/Columbus truck must be a daily dedicated route.)

So I should have this baby by 1:00 today, if not 11:00. Schweeeet.

I'm really glad I ordered from PIU for at least one other reason: My Volcano, which I bought from Vapor Nation, arrived with the security seal broken, a damaged box, and no backup air filter. The seal couldn't have broken during transit because the shipping box was undamaged. Which means Vapor Nation knowingly shipped me an already-opened (used?) Volcano. Not to mention Vapor Nation probably would not even have shipped the Mighty yet if I had ordered it from them. I never said anything about the damaged, opened box to VN because there is no sign of damage to the Volcano itself. (I probably will let VN know about this when I send them a message telling them why PIU is now solidly my first option for vape purchases, beginning with the Mighty.)

EDIT: Mighty delivered to my door at 11:40 am EDT.

1:26 pm: I believe I'm feeling high and mighty.
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Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. I appreciate every bit of feedback I have received. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have won.

I especially want to thank those who made extra effort to empathize and put themselves in my position; who were able to see my needs/wants more clearly than I was, then took the time to provide very good reasons for me to rethink some important criteria when I was leaning heavily toward the Plenty.

I don't think the Plenty would have been a bad choice. I just feel like the Mighty was probably by far the right choice for me. And I'm glad I was kinda pushed in what seems to have been the right direction.

I've already used the Mighty in public (a few minutes ago, outside my condo community, where life has stopped for the night). I didn't need to vape in public, nor do I recall thinking I'd like to vape in public, but now I suspect I'll probably do it frequently, or at least occasionally. And not just because I can.

My journey toward finding my way to the Mighty may seem like a relatively unimportant life experience, so you all probably can't comprehend how good it feels for me to have put a lot of thought into making a smart decision, then be rewarded for making a smart decision. Rewarded in a way that truly feels like being rewarded.

And other things I can't seem to communicate effectively right now.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
My brain was off a large part of yesterday. I don't know if this was caused by the Mighty (which is the only vape I have used since it arrived) or if I just had bad brains yesterday. Probably a little of both. Regardless, at first I couldn't figure out how to use the filling tool. (I still haven't opened the user manual.) For my first attempt I tried the filling tool upside down. But I didn't realize it was upside down; just that I couldn't make it work.

Blows my mind how cool the Mighty stays, even on max temp. I enjoy watching the display while the Mighty heats up, too. Seems so fast.

The auto shutoff seems about perfect, too. It shuts off right about when I'm ready for it to shut off. Particularly because I can get a few more good hits while it cools.

I recorded an unboxing/first-use video, which sucks because my brain just didn't want to work yesterday. My first time using the Mighty produced very little cloudage, I think because I loaded it too lite and didn't use the liquid pad. If I actually bother to cut and edit the video, then upload it, I'm gonna put a disclaimer at the beginning, warning every potential viewer that "this video sucks," then cut the first-use footage after one cloudless hit, because there is nothing to see except failure/user error.

Once I figured out how to use the loading tool, though -> big clouds and much relaxation.

I could see the Mighty easily becoming by far my most-used vape; my daily driver. A security blanket even.


Many have replaced their volcanoes with mighty's as a daily driver. I've sure considered it many times. It's nice to not have to be tied down to cords, stuck to vaporize in one location. The volcano is semi portable with the bag option, but it can't really compare to the freedom you experienced with a more discrete handheld device.

It's amazing to have a discrete vaporizer, where you can feel normal instead of like a criminal for simply medicating. I love vaporizing on my balcony or outside; it's very enjoyable and I'm glad it doesn't create a scene like combustion would.

Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
Probably. Since you mentioned it, I just fiddled around with the one that came with my Mighty. It would probably be way more troublesome than convenient; my hands and fingers are just about useless. But I may give it a try sometime.


Well-Known Member
This is weird. Usually whenever I decide I want a new vape, I make the decision fairly quickly to pull the trigger; perhaps impulsively. This time, however, I've been very patient, and it seems my patience has been rewarded.

Here's what I mean: I believe I was leaning heavily toward the EVO when I started this thread. But having been patient and having carefully thought about everything, the EVO has revealed to me a couple huge red flags: 1) Fragility; and 2) It gets uncomfortably hot; hot enough to motivate Vapexhale to include additional thermal protection. That's not only annoying, but it also tells me the EVO is inefficient; it wastes heat that could be used to decrease the heat-up time, for example.

I could buy an EVO despite its red flags, but I know that would most likely leave me with a new or fairly new broken vape. Or I could make a conscious choice to avoid ending up with a very expensive broken vape by not buying one. I've determined it's not my responsibility to pay a ton of money for something with big red flags that should not exist and could easily be eliminated if only the vape producer chose to eliminate them.

From my perspective, Vapexhale needs to identify problems and potential problems with their product(s), then make the problem(s) not exist. Not for me but for everyone who has already decided they'd like to buy an EVO but choose not to buy one because it's a risky purchase. It's simple economics, and it's their responsibility to supply what their target market demands if they want their business to prosper for a long time to come.

S&B does that constantly, which is why there is essentially no risk in buying any S&B product: They supply what a very large percentage of their target market demands. There are very good reasons why S&B has been around longer than anyone, and why they'll probably be around long after all other current vape producers are gone.

I hope Vapexhale will eventually realize if they want to sell to everyone who already wants to buy their product, it's their responsibility to provide what their target market demands. It's not their target market's responsibility to take risks that Vapexhale could easily make disappear.

I'm not bitching here. Rather, I'm sharing valuable thoughts most people would never take the time to share. Hopefully Vapexhale is paying attention to this thread, because I hope someday I will not feel like the EVO is a prohibitively risky purchase.

Why should I buy your product instead of someone else's?

Anyone who runs any business needs to be able to answer that question, without bullshitting. It's a question I asked myself regularly when I hoped to open a pizzeria. And although the pizzeria has never existed, if it had existed I would have been able to sufficiently answer that question for almost everyone who may have asked. Like S&B can.

I'm still leaning heavily toward Plenty. Feels like it's about time to go for it.

i believe evo with water piece is something everyone should try and/or buy, the clouds i get from this is huge, the only thing that comes close second is my haze v3 finely packed, yes it does get hot of course but thats only if you go extended sessions and go over like 2 o'clock
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