Throughout my life I've seen health nuts and fitness freaks die of cancers and other diseases.... I've also seen those who've chosen what science & society deem as a bad/poor lifestyle live into their 90's and beyond. I've come to realize that simply 'living' is a task in itself as much as a business to many (healthcare, politics, government, food sources, sciences, and the list is infinite), yet when your number comes up, regardless of your life choices, style, demographic, whatever ... it's over..PERIOD..!
Upon coming to the 'realistic' realization that the day you are born, you are dying (or rather, living towards the day that you cease to exist in the form we've come to accept/believe as Living), I (personally) much prefer to 'exist' obtaining what joy(s) I can find and to share with those who I tend to call friends and loved ones, while at the same time not fretting over all things that 'may' or may not shorten my existence (which all seem to point towards some mysterious decade being shaved off ones life regardless of source), according to others whose 'business' it is to achieve personal gain hyping their theories or findings.
As far as I'm concerned, the human race is nothing more than a specific (earth) planetary parasite at the current hierarchy end within a vast and much larger solar system of unknowns. Even our planet (as the rest) are on a time constraint that we don't/won't ever truly understand nor conquer.
"We're here for a good time…..Not a long time. So have a good time, the sun can't shine everyday..."