HAL is a StarChild
Sorry mods, the 6 hour window expired...please merge if possible.
Guys...I'm trying to figure out a fan to get for this...please give me some suggestions, especially to how much cfm I should have.
I'm thinking an inline would be best because I can just have tubing on both sides; one side can easily be connected to a filter box and the other side, a short tube section to the backdraft damper and from there to the Evap Box. I may not have time today to do a visio diagram; I have to physically move a bunch of vmware host servers and their SAN's to another datacenter today.
Guys...I'm trying to figure out a fan to get for this...please give me some suggestions, especially to how much cfm I should have.
I'm thinking an inline would be best because I can just have tubing on both sides; one side can easily be connected to a filter box and the other side, a short tube section to the backdraft damper and from there to the Evap Box. I may not have time today to do a visio diagram; I have to physically move a bunch of vmware host servers and their SAN's to another datacenter today.