i am going to be building an evaporation chamber soon and wanted to start a thread about it. basically i am upping my production standards and will be eliminating heat from my evaporation stage (ethanol evap), but do not want to gain evap time by doing so. so my solution is to build a small enclosed container that will hold my evap dish. one end will have a 4" brushless (important) axial fan mounted to it pulling the air inside the chamber and over the dish and the other end will have 4" flexible duct routed where ever i need it to go. the chamber will not be much larger than the dish itself which i believe will speed evap time up making up for the lack of heat... or so thats the plan. i will have a filter in front of the fan filtering the air on the way in, and the dish will have some sort of cover/filter to protect it even further.
just not sure if i can find a source to power 12VDC fans. can i find a cheap way to be able to plug in a 12VDC fan into the wall? or will i need something like this? or i will have to pony up for the 115VAC fan. all brushless of course. as this build progresses so will this thread.
just not sure if i can find a source to power 12VDC fans. can i find a cheap way to be able to plug in a 12VDC fan into the wall? or will i need something like this? or i will have to pony up for the 115VAC fan. all brushless of course. as this build progresses so will this thread.