In Greece we don't see progress... we are not in european union in this part.

We are Tehran. Thinks hard for our politics to imagine if country can take money from mj via tourism or citizens.
Citizens ?
We do have citizens in Greece?
I thought we all were just obedients .
Greece is the ONLY european country that has the full potentional
for massive outdoor cultivation of Cannabis .
Spain ,Italy and southern France have also the appropriate climate
for outdoor cultivation but with some differencies (i.e. Spain has lot more rainfall than Greece ) ,
that place "second" them after Greece ,when it comes to outdoor cultivation of Cannabis.
Still ,here in Greece ,there are a lot at stake -for some pretty powerful and rich people-
that won't allow for Cannabis de-criminalization ,at least not any time soon.
Some people make lots of untaxed money from keeping Cannabis illegal,
donate to our " politians " some of that money and still provide (easy) jobs
for police ,layers, justice system ,etc .
But most of all they control the stoneheads of the obedients.
Why they should change that ?
Forget it.
They wil change the legislation about Cannabis ,only if sufficient "pressure"
is applied from abroad (EU and/or USA ).
Do not expect any other possibility for change .
This is Greece.
Something like a country ,ruled by the most idiot,evil and corrupted people on Earth
(Most probably ,'cause the clever and competent have chosen to leave the country or
run a beach bar at Mykonos ,instead of becoming politicians ).
The rest of the inhabitants are just obedients.
Modern monkeys-zombies-slaves,that they care only for football ,Eurovision and Survivor.
They don't give a shit about their miserable quality of life,
while at the same time they truly believe
that the next-prime-minister-to-come will fix all of their problems,with his magic wand and spells.
A whole nation ,expecting "salvation" from a single person's acts .
That's pathetic ,at least.
Expecting different results ,from same actions.
But still remains a common belief and practice,amongst obedients.