Europe's legalization

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
Fuck The EU


Those dying dinosaurs are laughing (or what passes for laughter in reptiles) at every one of us who thought that we're getting "legalisation"....

Nope- you' re just a subject of an experiment, get used to it....

Under what concept of democracy can the EU tell Germany what to do?

A dictatorship is an un-elected authority that dictates commands. The EU parliament is a parody of "democracy" and totally belongs to global capital who are keen to grab yet another monopoly....

I would like to know if there is ANY country where it is fully legal (no licenses or any paperwork or dealings with the State required) to grow a cannabis plant on your property... :mad:

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
HHC is banned from today in France. I didn't even know this molecule, which seems to be close to THC.

Translation of part of a national press article (Cannabis: HHC to be banned in France from Tuesday):
Currently sold over the counter in France, products containing hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) - a molecule derived from cannabis - will be banned in the country from Tuesday June 13. [...]"Synthetic drugs are usually bought over the Internet or on the street, but HHC can also be obtained on a massive scale in CBD stores, which are often associated with images of risk-free products," says Joëlle Micallef, president of the French addictovigilance network and a hospital pharmacologist in Marseille. And there are many variations on HHC: cannabis flowers, on which it has been vaporized, e-liquids for electronic cigarettes, flavored sweets...

First appearing on the US drug market in late 2021, HHC was first spotted in Europe in May 2022, during a seizure by customs officials, the observatory traces. Eight months later, it had been identified in over 70% of European Union member countries. Since the first identification of HHC in Europe, two other synthetic cannabis have been detected on the continent: HHC-acetate (HHCO) and hexahydrocannabiphorol (HHCP).

The molecule has long been known to scientists, but in recent months, health authorities in Europe and the United States have noted that it is increasingly being marketed over the Internet and in physical stores. Its effects are poorly understood, but addictologists tend to judge them comparable to those of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the substance at the heart of cannabis' psychoactive effects.


Edit :

Bègles wants to experiment with the legalization of recreational cannabis (June 13 :
The ecologist mayor, Clément Rossignol-Puech, wants to make his commune "the first territory to experiment with the cultivation, sale and controlled consumption of cannabis". A round table is scheduled to take place in the Gironde commune on June 15, with a view to presenting a project to the government.

The idea is not to create a media buzz," says the mayor of Bègles, "but to get people thinking and to go as far as experimentation, because I think it's a way of getting out of the rut we're in, in terms of legislation, use and management of cannabis in France". For Clément Rossignol-Puech, "I'm convinced it's going to get things moving, because the subject is ripe, and to get away from the caricature of the all-repressive approach we're currently seeing".

In Bègles, Clément Rossignol-Puech wants to run this experiment "collectively", with a group of partners: the regional health agency, specialized doctors, psychologists, social workers, hemp-growing specialists, local elected representatives, members of parliament, the State, the police, the justice system and consumer associations. The aim is to "plant, cultivate, transform, distribute, consume and control", says the town councillor.

Following an article published in Le Journal du dimanche on June 4, initiated by Clément Rossignol-Puech and signed by Besançon mayor Anne Vignot, Alain Rousset, president of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, and Michèle Rubirola, physician and 1st deputy mayor of Marseille, in charge of health, the town of Bègles is organizing a round table on Thursday June 15. It will bring together Béglais, elected representatives, members of the CESE, as well as the national secretary of the Syndicat de la magistrature, addictologists and doctors, and a CBD producer. Discussions will continue throughout 2023, with a progress report due in the autumn. Then, the mayor hopes, the project will be presented to the government at the end of 2023.
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Well-Known Member
Soon in France : if you are positif to a drug test, you will loose your license to drive automatically for 6-12 months. Like the people know, the salivary tests in France stay positiv during a lot of days after consumption.
France is no more the country of liberty, just a fucking country of cops, racists and reactonnary :cuss:

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Soon in France : if you are positif to a drug test, you will loose your license to drive automatically for 6-12 months. Like the people know, the salivary tests in France stay positiv during a lot of days after consumption.
France is no more the country of liberty, just a fucking country of cops, racists and reactonnary :cuss:
It's already going on. I know of two people who loosed their driving license in December 2022 after a salivary test on the road in France.

What is changing is that the max fine is going to raise from 4500€ to 10 000 €...
Radwin Bodnic,
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The Netherlands has forbidden 'electronic vapeware' to be sold online since 1st of July, you can now only buy vapes inside stores so they cannot be shipped to your home. (Except for vape shops outside of the country, but that will be banned as well later as far as I've been reading)

This law was meant for TOBACCO vapes but the idiots just didn't seperate the two (dry herb / e-cig) in the passed law... Not every city here has good vapeshops so that means I'll have to travel through the country if I want a new vape.

Once upon a time our small little country was one of the most progressive countries when talking about cannabis legalization. The law is very outdated and the weed experiment they've been talking about for years is progressing way too slow.


Well-Known Member
Nope- you' re just a subject of an experiment, get used to it....

Under what concept of democracy can the EU tell Germany what to do?

A dictatorship is an un-elected authority that dictates commands. The EU parliament is a parody of "democracy" and totally belongs to global capital who are keen to grab yet another monopoly....

I`m afraid you maybe mixed things up a little bit?!

Regarding the experiment. This is the only way to have at least a "legalization light" in Germany because the initial policy got caught / was not feasible because of the EU drug laws. This means doing an experiment a.k.a. having a scientific program evaluating this whole process is first, a big cornerstone to make at least decriminalization happen at first and second, labelling this an experiment eases the EU ;) Last but not least, the actual minister for health is hoping that in the long run the outcome of this experiment will allow him to legalize MJ without breraking EU law cause he can provide good results or even get a majority to change EU law! And yes, he is trying to win elections with this last part and cant predict the future!

According your question of democracy. First, when you compare different indices for democracy Germany is preforming not that bad overall though things like press freedom and other point used to calculate this scores got worse in the last years. But what is more important is that, EU law must be taken more important then national law! And yes there are many loop holes and tricks but lets not focus on such stuff now. In very short: EU member states must implement EU law that*s an integral part of the deal! And even if you break EU law you only have to pay fine, almost every member state breaks some EU law. Summing up, the EU has a shitload of problems and some are a threat for democracy, like populism for example ;), but the legal/ law stuff and foremost that tiny part you picked I cant see a threat or problem at all? That`s even related to legal security I guess what I perceive a big big part of a democratic system!

Regarding your third point. The EU parliament is actually elected thus democratic. Democracy only means elected by the people?! And to confuse you a bit more many dictatorships held up elections! China does it for example!

Allow me a last question please.
Can you please explain what you mean by "global capital" because I only now such wording from populists and right wing partisans etc.? Because Hitler and his NSDAP started creating this myth in order to create an enemy aka an outgroup (the jews and the global capital system) to incite the ingroup (the arian germans) in order to establish an dictatorship. I ask this not label you as something -I dont know you - but I think you can explain why you write such things and I understand you better? I write this because just like you I`m a bit worried about how things runnign over here lately so maybe we are not that different after all?
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Qualified Observer
Fuck The EU


Those dying dinosaurs are laughing (or what passes for laughter in reptiles) at every one of us who thought that we're getting "legalisation"....

Nope- you' re just a subject of an experiment, get used to it....

Under what concept of democracy can the EU tell Germany what to do?

I would like to know if there is ANY country where it is fully legal (no licenses or any paperwork or dealings with the State required) to grow a cannabis plant on your property... :mad:
Several states in the US allow homegrowing for personal consumption. Where I live we're allowed 12 at any one time.


Well-Known Member
I would like to know if there is ANY country where it is fully legal (no licenses or any paperwork or dealings with the State required) to grow a cannabis plant on your property... :mad:
Canada is legal to grow, though the province of Quebec outlawed it. Legal to grown in Uruguay & Mexico as well.

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
In Germany the policy proposes a maximum of three female flowering plants per person.
It looks like Germany implements the idea of cannabis social clubs like in Spain for example BUT they do it overly bureaucratic and want to control the board very hard and unfair. In addition they wont allow consumption in and around clubs! That`s why many people say they will do home grow plus grey market MJ but the actual policy is not done and changes may occur. It was planed that its up for vote in the parliament late summer but I thinks this will take more time!
Oh and the maximum amount legal to posses is 25g a day and 50g a month and a bit less if you under 21 and they plan to cap the THC amount for people under 21.
Last but not least some cities applied to be "model cities". That means in those areas they want to sell MJ legal and evaluate this process - this is the experiment some guys freaked out at ;) all other areas is only decriminalization!
That`s the key infos I guess but if you need further details ask me!


Well-Known Member
Soon in France : if you are positif to a drug test, you will loose your license to drive automatically for 6-12 months. Like the people know, the salivary tests in France stay positiv during a lot of days after consumption.
France is no more the country of liberty, just a fucking country of cops, racists and reactonnary :cuss:
this reinforcement of the laws is due to an incident caused by a French humorist three month ago , who was under cocaine and caused a car accident involving a family with a pregnant mother, which of course did a lot of turmoil (accident pierre palmade in french)
add it the government in place who wants to place itself in an authoritarian way because it did lost the last election (he doesn't have anymore a majority in parliament)
in short as usual the french politicians.... (i will stop here , i'm not fond of talking about politics :rant::cuss:)
and note I still prefer France to China (or some other countries) for level of freedoms.... but yeah for cannabis you should go somewhere else :bang:
HHC is banned from today in France. I didn't even know this molecule, which seems to be close to THC.

Translation of part of a national press article (Cannabis: HHC to be banned in France from Tuesday):


Edit :

Bègles wants to experiment with the legalization of recreational cannabis (June 13 :
hhc is a synthetic derivative of thc - it is obtained by the hydrogenation of thc
I sincerely think this was sold because CBD flowers are limited to 0.3% thc, which involves chemistry operations to follow this rules
-> wholesalers ended up with pure thc that they couldn't sell :hmm:...and voila :science:...they took advantage of a gray area of the law to resell they've filled the void in the law

and please dont talk to me about expirement for legalisation in France or i'm gonna cry :disgust:
when i'm thinking about the soon-to-see failure about the ending medicinal expirement (they extended the experience but without putting a penny, the products are no longer provided, the doctors are poorly trained etc.)

yeah France is not ahead on the subject of cannabis


olysh pops

Well-Known Member
"Government approves legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany

The bill, to be debated and voted on by Parliament, authorizes the purchase and possession of 25 grams / 0.9 once of cannabis from the age of 18.

Germany took a further step towards the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes on Wednesday August 16, with the adoption of a bill by the Council of Ministers, which will be accompanied by a prevention campaign aimed at young people.

According to the text, which has yet to be debated and voted on by parliament, 18-year-olds will be able to buy and possess up to 25g/0.9" of cannabis. Germany will thus have one of the most liberal legal systems in Europe, following in the footsteps of Malta and Luxembourg, which have legalized recreational cannabis in 2021 and 2023 respectively.

Under the bill, it will also be possible to grow up to three cannabis plants for one's own use. The new legislation provides for the creation of non-profit associations whose adult members - limited in number to five hundred - will be able to grow the plant for their own consumption, under the supervision of the public authorities.

Cannabis consumption will have to take place outside these clubs, and will be prohibited within 200 meters / 0.12 mi of such clubs, schools, playgrounds, sports grounds and youth associations.

The Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, is also planning to launch a major awareness campaign aimed at young people on the dangers of cannabis for the brain, "particularly harmful when the brain is still growing". "For young people [under the age of 18], consumption remains prohibited, and for young adults [up to the age of 21], it is limited," he said in a press release."


A greenhouse at German pharmaceutical company Demecan's medical cannabis production facility in Ebersbach, near Dresden in eastern Germany, on November 28, 2022.

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member

[in a Werner Herzog accent] "Out of respect for the victims of this heinous war....we will continue locking Germans in a cage for smoking a plant that makes you silly..."🙏

I don't know why but it's giving me these vibes:



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Ireland have just missed a rare opportunity of a recommendation to legalise cannabis by just one single vote in it's recent citizens assembly.
Instead they have voted for a "health led approach" in which the only change is that the police now send you to a team of doctors or whatever else after they've hunted you down, pushed you against the wall, mocked you, marked your details in their computers, felt you up, and rummaged through your clothes and belongings to find any trace of filthy, contaminated gangland weed that you've had to sneak around to find and pay extortionate amounts for.

This means the highly undesirable and dangerous existing black market continues to thrive, raking in massive incomes and causing ongoing gang warfare, untold intimidation, coercion and ruining of lives at every level, while adults and patients still get treated like bad children for trying to choose cannabis instead of what must obviously be much safer, healthier, legal options such as tobacco, alcohol and pills.
At least now, everyone can blame the citizens assembly 2023 for directly supporting criminal gangs instead of constantly trying to blame the end users for it.
What a fucking hopeless waste of time, money and energy.



Well-Known Member
the idea of cannabis social clubs like in Spain for example
I just returned from two weeks in Spain (well, technically, one of the Canary islands. I know these CSC are somewhat different on the mainland but holy crap, the CSCs I saw were not exactly what the spanish law stipulates. There was no growing going on (to be legal, this must happen within the club premises) and the wholel operation is exactly like a coffeeshop in the Netherlands. The spanish are just using a different legal construction to tolerate the shops.

Also, the CSC are supposed to sell their crop at grower's cost, no profits. Not quite sure how that correlates to prices of 6-10€ for outdoor, and 10-30€ for indoor weed. Per f*cking gram.


Well-Known Member
I just returned from two weeks in Spain (well, technically, one of the Canary islands. I know these CSC are somewhat different on the mainland but holy crap, the CSCs I saw were not exactly what the spanish law stipulates. There was no growing going on (to be legal, this must happen within the club premises) and the wholel operation is exactly like a coffeeshop in the Netherlands. The spanish are just using a different legal construction to tolerate the shops.

Also, the CSC are supposed to sell their crop at grower's cost, no profits. Not quite sure how that correlates to prices of 6-10€ for outdoor, and 10-30€ for indoor weed. Per f*cking gram.
Thanks for the insights that sounds indeed more like a coffee shop in NL. I never visited a CSC in Spain but I assume things will went different in Germany. I thinks there will be more control and a stricter enforcement of the policy or law.


Well as far as now, Germany will not legalize but only decreminalize (like in the netherlands). You will be allowed to carry 25 gr. with you. If you carry more than that you will get fined. In some cases, those fines and sentences will be higher than the current ones.

They are trying to tell us that Dispensaries are not possible because of the EU. Funny thing is that the German Hemp Association asked the EU if they are against it, which they replied that Germany has not even asked or made any further steps.

Even the Netherlands are one step ahead, as they are going to legalize growing and selling weed to the coffeeshops in certain regions.
The Czech Republic on the other hand will try to legalize cannabis despite the EU. They simply won't ask for permission like Germany did.


Well-Known Member
Well right now they postponed another important hearing, and this has been the pattern so far, into early 2024, so its hard not to remain sceptic. And they overregulated CSCs and homegrowing hard in current propositions. remains a good source for the process.


Well-Known Member
they postponed another important hearing,
I'm fairly optimistic the new delay is caused by them realizing their law doesn't work. Homegrow with three plants but you're not allowed to have more than 25g of cannabis in your home. I believe the definition of cannabis even includes the stems and everything, so it's pretty ridiculous.

They need time to fix a couple of details.


Well-Known Member
I just returned from two weeks in Spain (well, technically, one of the Canary islands. I know these CSC are somewhat different on the mainland but holy crap, the CSCs I saw were not exactly what the spanish law stipulates. There was no growing going on (to be legal, this must happen within the club premises) and the wholel operation is exactly like a coffeeshop in the Netherlands. The spanish are just using a different legal construction to tolerate the shops.

Also, the CSC are supposed to sell their crop at grower's cost, no profits. Not quite sure how that correlates to prices of 6-10€ for outdoor, and 10-30€ for indoor weed. Per f*cking gram.
Hahahahah as a Spaniard living in the capital I can guarantee that most (if not all) CSCs are a friggin' shitshow man. I just guerilla through it all and wash my own hash at the lowest cost-quality ratio possible. I get a fine selection of magically appearing hash (due to technical reasons I can't specify further) but my shit would cost 15-40 eurobucks a grammer at a CSC and I get it at a fraction of that price because I know some of the suppliers for CSCs, it's just a big joke with a govt. blind eye to it. Barcelona is kinda like Baltimore in The Wire, the mayor took it upon herself to basically legalize pot and that makes the CSC scene there just yuge, but never believe the hype folks; it's mostly smoke and mirrors.


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly optimistic the new delay is caused by them realizing their law doesn't work. Homegrow with three plants but you're not allowed to have more than 25g of cannabis in your home. I believe the definition of cannabis even includes the stems and everything, so it's pretty ridiculous.

They need time to fix a couple of details.

Are those just assumptions and wishes or can you maybe provide even a source? Literally dying over here for news when legit!

My city was applying to become a model city with commercial coffee shops but our mayor overturned it. He is fighting for years now to keep our tourist city picture perfect and even banned head shops, sex shops and everything in the inner city :lol::mental:

Regarding that 25g and home growing. I always thought this means you are not allowed to carry more then 25g with you?

But one thing I never understood regarding the discussion about legalization in Germany. Besides all those ridiculous German style stuff we always do, why is nobody happy that you wont loose your job any more or have to face court and even jail for doing cannabis? I`m sick and tired of hiding it or explaining to closer friends like I`m sick and tired that almost any pot head over here thinks we are best friends and all the same just because we share the same habit / love :leaf:
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