Errlectric Concentration Station


Log Hog
To push it along for me I'm thinking individualy it's $20 for the stand and handle, $60 for the glass chamber and $219 for the nail/coil. It makes the price a bit more reasonable lol. I see needing spare glass chambers in the future too.

Also I just realized you can dab and vape herb in the same breath!!!

I asked Matt a few questions but I forgot to ask if this will be compatible with the Quartz insert. What do you think?

This isn't looking good for my wallet:cry:


Well-Known Member
I thought about doing the same but I didn't want to push the issue lol. Hopefully it's good news.

With this new coil/nail how is this thread not blowing up?!?!?!?
I am watching closely. When I decide to go digital, I'm gonna grab the errelectric and this crazy herb nail. I will once my heater for my analog needs to be replaced. Are errelectric owners using Quartz?

Edit: forgot about the Quartz insert. I remember someone saying best low temp dabs off Quartz insert
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Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
I thought about doing the same but I didn't want to push the issue lol. Hopefully it's good news.

With this new coil/nail how is this thread not blowing up?!?!?!?
The almighty dollar!
Their price point isn't for everyone.
Some would rather DIY and make an enail.
I'm a total DIY guy, but I just didn't want to mess with this one. I have already been burned out of one home by a fire.
And being made in USA locked it in for me.


Log Hog
The almighty dollar!
Their price point isn't for everyone.
Some would rather DIY and make an enail.
I'm a total DIY guy, but I just didn't want to mess with this one. I have already been burned out of one home by a fire.
And being made in USA locked it in for me.

Yea I can see how some think the price is steep. Though, this is a perfect case "you get what you pay for" imo. It's been nothing but outstanding, functionaly and customer service wise as well. Even though no service has been needed.

That little red white n blue flag is my favorite thing about the unit.


Log Hog
I can't compare to others because this is my first and LAST enail I'll ever need. Especially how active their R&D is with all their accessories and future accessories. I haven't seen/heard of other enails coming close to the versatility of this beast.

This is the best of the best of the best! Imo


Well-Known Member
I have both the DIY Dnail and the Errlectric. I truly love both and they each have their own pros and cons.

The Dnail is by far the tastiest quartz hits as I can swap out the nail for quartz or TI. The Errlectric does not allow this and to get around it. offers a quartz insert for the TI nail. While it works good, it does not perform as well as the quartz only setup on my Dnail. But the low temp TI hits from the Errlectric are insane. So for me I have found that the Dnail is great for the Quartz side of things where the Errlectric is far superior in the low temp TI nail hits. This in turn shows where both excel and so might help you make a solid choice. The Ti nail in the Errlectric is extremely high quality and no one should have any concerns about it being substandard and also pressed into the heater. I have no issues with this and it works perfectly. I run my Dnail quartz setup at 685 degrees and the Errlectric TI at 575 degrees. One last thing that seems to be critical is the piece you are using the setup with. I have a solid stable of glass, but not all of my pieces work as good as others do when paired with the different nails. It seems this is partially due to the amount of air that can pass between while toking. In the end I have a preferred piece for both nails based on how well it worked with the temps I was trying to run at. So even if you get a specific nail. It might not perform as expected due to the piece it was used with and I feel has nothing to do with the quality of the nail or how well it works. But is due to the pairing and if you try a few other pieces, you just might find that happy place we are striving for =)

Thanks for playing :tup:


Great Scott!

Get those reviews up asap. I'm still debating a DIY version of this. Them selling just the bowl makes it a LOT easier. I just don't know if any of the rigs I own are conducive to heavy a heavy piece of titanium (more than the enail coil anyway) on their fairly small angled joints. I guess I could do it on the mobius is my flower piece after all.

Counting on a review bro :) Please take note of which temps you like with it, and what you think of the bowl.


Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
Ok, I made a quick and dirty unboxing video. But first, the box! Note the custom label.

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Great Scott!
I bet what happened is after using log vapes with micro loads, he packed that bitch up (its a big ass bowl!) and got RIPPED lol.

When we replicated the idea in a ghetto fashion with a torch based nail on top of a glass adapter, it milked so fiercely. I can't even imagine how nice it is with an e-nail.
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