I have Ed's "Blackwood" stem for my solo and I have not used the glass stems since.
It gives using the solo a more "organic" feel. The taste was somewhat different when I used the stem the first couple of times, but I suspect that difference is long gone now as the stem has been used quite a bit and surely has resin build-up to seal up the inside wood surfaces.
One thing I really like about Ed's stem is that the screen is held in with a snap ring. To replace the screen, you will need a set of snap ring pliers in order to remove the snap ring. The screen then drops out easily and is replaceable with another 1/2-inch screen. You really can't "clean" the screen in place with ISO or anything as Ed tells you explicitly not to expose the wood to any water or solvents so replacing the screen at some point will be needed.
I also modified my stem a bit, which was probably not needed, but I did it anyway. I wanted the notches in the stem to line up with the holes in the heating chamber. But once the stem is inserted you can't see either. Taking a closer look at the solo's heating chamber, I made a note how the four holes are aligned in relation to the buttons / control panel. I then used that reference to determine how the stem needed to be inserted so that the notches line up. I then installed a very small screw into the wooden part of the stem right above where it joins to the stainless-steel base. I, of course, pre-drilled the wood before putting in the screw so I would not split the wood. I now use this screw head to visually align the stem with the control panel. Like I said, I probably didn't need to do that, but it makes me feel better knowing that the heating chamber holes are not obstructed in any way. I can provide some pictures if you PM me your email address.
You will be very happy with the Ed's stem.