Eating cannabis in food.

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone here use cannabis in food instead of combusting?

My friend and his husband swear by it and have said how if you do it right in cookies or brownies it's very mellow and you stay high for days.

Another friend of mine his ex partner was big into smoking herb and he once made spaghetti sauce with some herb and my friend knew about it and said how the high lasted until the next day for him.

I've only eaten it once and that was when I was younger and I had schwag and I figured I'd have to eat a few grams in order for it to work and I put it on cheese and crackers and I wound up getting very high and it was very psychedelic sort of like a low dose mushroom trip but without the visuals if that makes sense.

Can you make food from already vaped herb? Does it work like eating non combusted or vaped herb would with THC? Or does it just make you tired since there's no THC and just CBD and CBN in it?

modnote: Search is your friend. :)


vapor accessory addict
Here are two thread that you might be interested in:

These both deal with ABV, but you could certainly use fresh with better results if you don't want to combust or vape it. Using ABV will make the edibles weaker than fresh, but can still work very well. It will take longer for you to feel the effects when eating herb, and the effects are a little different and usually last longer. How much of an effect you get depends on many factors; how strong the herb is, how dark the ABV is (the darker, the more THC has been taken out).


Lost in Thought
I like to make Coconut oil capsules with my hash/kif/bud I was thinking of trying a batch with some ABV, but yes - cooking with herb is MUCH different than smoking/vaping
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