Oil Painter
@Enchantre are you ok? You're not up on the ceiling are you?
I'm fine, thank you.
I took three caps last night, my hubby had one, and we both slept rather well.

@Enchantre are you ok? You're not up on the ceiling are you?
If you enjoy getting high- don't give up on edibles, they're the best way to use cannabis IMO. Just dial it back to a minimal dose & work up from there.
Also wondering where to start...and shud i hold off on vaping when eating caps? I want to know if the caps work it may be hard tk tell if im suckin on the whip all day
I know the feeling too well I was in law enforcement even though I thought mj laws were BS I still had to enforce them. I let a lot of people go for small amounts and I can say I never ruined anyones life with a mj charge the ones that got charges either already had charges for other things or had other drugs with them.I didn't think I'd ever feel that way about it, either, but after ending up working at the headquarters of one of the largest global corporations, discretion became very important for the sake of my career. Everything was SOOOOO politically correct there. Now that I work for myself as an artisan craftsman, life is so different in all the right ways. Now looking back, I feel like I sold out in some ways, but maybe it was just a matter of paying dues. I don't know. I'm just very happy with life again now and I wasn't for many years.
I just ate five capsules of finely ground ABV. I believe I vape my herbs quite efficiently, so I'm not sure if this will do anything. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Are you sure this is true? Isn't the eating fat part important when the stuff isn't decarbed, ie, raw flowers? I'm no expert though, I might be repeating rubbish. Also, as for time-frame, I think fat's processed for up to 6 hours or so so I think you'd probably have 3 hours anyway?Next time that you take your capsules eat a couple of tablespoons of something fat like peanut butter. Eat your fat in close timing with the ingestion of the ABV. Eat your donut right after you take your capsule.