Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)


Active Member
Hi All, I'm day 5 into water curing 60 grams of abv. The distilled water is fairly light brown but still not clear water yet. I have it wrapped in cheesecloth.. I was planning to kinda follow Chandler post above. By putting the cheesecloth out of the water curing into a mason jar.. Trying to add minimal amount of coconut oil into the jar with the cheesecloth and then close the jar. I will then add the jar to a crock pot filled with water, start on HIGH to get it going and then LOW while i sleep.. I will probably only get to steep the jar in the crock pot for about approximately 8-10 hours. Does anyone else have any tips/help to add to my process? Also not planning to use lecithin I hope I dont need to? BTW planning to make brownies/cookies fairly right away when the oil is completely made.
I recently made a batch of coconut oil from 56g + a few g’s of fresh decarbed bud and kief, I however didn’t water cure or infuse the oil with my material in any kind of “tea bag” method. One thing i noticed quick is that it’ll settle and your material will pack together pretty densely. I was able to vigorously stir it and get it all loose again every half hour to an hour. Mine went straight into mason jar, into crockpot and then i added oil little by little until i had a thick cake batter like consistency and then sealed the jar. Let it go in the crock pot for 8 hours, froze over night and back in the crockpot for just a few hours and a lot of stirring the next day, strain and done. I also wanted as little oil as possible, hoping for a more potent outcome. I’ve tried brownies with it and i honestly have better luck with just putting the solidified oil under hot water till it melts, grab a syringe, fill to dosage and squirt it under my tongue and swallow or chase it down with something. I didn’t use lechitin, And im pleased with what i got. Next run i will def be adding some in tho to see what the difference is with/without.
I recently made a batch of coconut oil from 56g + a few g’s of fresh decarbed bud and kief, I however didn’t water cure or infuse the oil with my material in any kind of “tea bag” method. One thing i noticed quick is that it’ll settle and your material will pack together pretty densely. I was able to vigorously stir it and get it all loose again every half hour to an hour. Mine went straight into mason jar, into crockpot and then i added oil little by little until i had a thick cake batter like consistency and then sealed the jar. Let it go in the crock pot for 8 hours, froze over night and back in the crockpot for just a few hours and a lot of stirring the next day, strain and done. I also wanted as little oil as possible, hoping for a more potent outcome. I’ve tried brownies with it and i honestly have better luck with just putting the solidified oil under hot water till it melts, grab a syringe, fill to dosage and squirt it under my tongue and swallow or chase it down with something. I didn’t use lechitin, And im pleased with what i got. Next run i will def be adding some in tho to see what the difference is with/without.

I just started steeping 60grams of my water cured abv in coconut oil.. I water cured for 8 days ( 6 days distilled water, 2 days tap water).. I'm using about 3/4 jar of 14oz coconut oil. All in a mason jar in crock pot.. My 2nd attempt in general.. First time No water cure, 30 grams ABV with 3 sticks of butter in crock pot.. cook time about 4-5hrs.. While the butter came out nice and green.. Not effective at all, trying to add more abv this time and water cure, lets see what happens~


Active Member
I just started steeping 60grams of my water cured abv in coconut oil.. I water cured for 8 days ( 6 days distilled water, 2 days tap water).. I'm using about 3/4 jar of 14oz coconut oil. All in a mason jar in crock pot.. My 2nd attempt in general.. First time No water cure, 30 grams ABV with 3 sticks of butter in crock pot.. cook time about 4-5hrs.. While the butter came out nice and green.. Not effective at all, trying to add more abv this time and water cure, lets see what happens~
Your outcomes gonna depend on a few things...Potency of bud, % of thc that’s left in the avb, vape temps, etc. Even your own body. I’m not sure exactly how much oil i used for my 2 oz abv, But in return i got around 25 tsp’s. I added 1/2 tsp doses into silicone molds and made waffers. 4 of them which is 2 tsp worth puts me in a lazy daze for 8-10 hours with a bit of a head high and I’m a daily user, pretty heavily. I was quite surprised with the results, as before i discovered fuck combustion my avb was just getting tossed out


Do you know about the bird?
Used a healthy teaspoon in some french-style scrambled eggs around 7AM this morning. Had made this batch a while back in preparation for a wisdom tooth extraction that took place yesterday. Incorporated pretty nicely in the dish, and the effects were good enough to skip the pain meds I'd been prescribed until about an hour ago. Happy with the results, overall.
I just started steeping 60grams of my water cured abv in coconut oil.. I water cured for 8 days ( 6 days distilled water, 2 days tap water).. I'm using about 3/4 jar of 14oz coconut oil. All in a mason jar in crock pot.. My 2nd attempt in general.. First time No water cure, 30 grams ABV with 3 sticks of butter in crock pot.. cook time about 4-5hrs.. While the butter came out nice and green.. Not effective at all, trying to add more abv this time and water cure, lets see what happens~
Still cooking the cheesecloth abv in coconut oil in a mason jar in crock pot with water approaching 23 hours~. Has anyone tried this method and kept in crock pot for days?? While I'm familiar in general cooking, I'm just not familiar with coconut oil but I'm think the longer I steep in the crock pot the better it should be? I will share my opinion of my results later on

ZZZ.90: My bud usually "2nd shelf" bud from west..for example right now I working on Bruce banner (2nd shelf) faceoff og (top, supposely), usually vape at 370-390.. Esp the Plenty on max nvr gets it close to black, nice n golden every time..Well when I made the 30+g/butter, Idk If i messed it up or not but it wasn't very effective in the 2 different batches of brownies i made so..SO this time in theory I'm using the same amount of coconut oil as I did butter last time but I doubled the AVB and did water curing..Im just hoping to feel something, if not im just gonna chuck the avb from here on out
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Active Member
Still cooking the cheesecloth abv in coconut oil in a mason jar in crock pot with water approaching 23 hours~. Has anyone tried this method and kept in crock pot for days?? While I'm familiar in general cooking, I'm just not familiar with coconut oil but I'm think the longer I steep in the crock pot the better it should be? I will share my opinion of my results later on

ZZZ.90: My bud usually "2nd shelf" bud from west..for example right now I working on Bruce banner (2nd shelf) faceoff og (top, supposely), usually vape at 370-390.. Esp the Plenty on max nvr gets it close to black, nice n golden every time..Well when I made the 30+g/butter, Idk If i messed it up or not but it wasn't very effective in the 2 different batches of brownies i made so..SO this time in theory I'm using the same amount of coconut oil as I did butter last time but I doubled the AVB and did water curing..Im just hoping to feel something, if not im just gonna chuck the avb from here on out
Hope it works out for you. Whichever route you take with your finished oil, if all fails...try it straight without cooking it into anything. It’ll be your best shot. Maybe try taking (x2) of what you would normally consume.
Hope it works out for you. Whichever route you take with your finished oil, if all fails...try it straight without cooking it into anything. It’ll be your best shot. Maybe try taking (x2) of what you would normally consume.
Sorry banned for 2 weeks for idk what.. but I steeped in the jar with coconut oil for 43 HOURS!!! yes 43 hours!!!.. It came out to 1 cup of canna-oil.. (using 60grams of abv)..I made a batch of Ghiradelli (however u spell it) cookies well let says I gave it to 3 of my co workers.. all with different tolerance levels.. All gave me the thumbs up and 2 of them were willing to pay money for more cookies LOL.. My experience I ate about half tray of brownies of 1/2cup of oil used (approx 30grams abv).. While it didn't bother me much except for the fact.. it was really hard to stay awake later on at night when I usually like to stay up late.. So long story short.. I felt some body affects.. totally much better effectiveness~ than my first time trying to do this.. and would recommend anyone to try using this method.. the water curing for 8 days definitely helped..and the 43 hours definitely helped.. In my opinion my oil went from a light brown to a darker brown after 24 hours of steeping.. Did not change much color IMO after 24 hours of steeping.. stop at 43 hours b/c i didnt have any more time.. Great results.. I will try next time 90 grams of abv to about 12oz of coconut oil.. I wanna get blasted while chewing next time LOL


Active Member
Sorry banned for 2 weeks for idk what.. but I steeped in the jar with coconut oil for 43 HOURS!!! yes 43 hours!!!.. It came out to 1 cup of canna-oil.. (using 60grams of abv)..I made a batch of Ghiradelli (however u spell it) cookies well let says I gave it to 3 of my co workers.. all with different tolerance levels.. All gave me the thumbs up and 2 of them were willing to pay money for more cookies LOL.. My experience I ate about half tray of brownies of 1/2cup of oil used (approx 30grams abv).. While it didn't bother me much except for the fact.. it was really hard to stay awake later on at night when I usually like to stay up late.. So long story short.. I felt some body affects.. totally much better effectiveness~ than my first time trying to do this.. and would recommend anyone to try using this method.. the water curing for 8 days definitely helped..and the 43 hours definitely helped.. In my opinion my oil went from a light brown to a darker brown after 24 hours of steeping.. Did not change much color IMO after 24 hours of steeping.. stop at 43 hours b/c i didnt have any more time.. Great results.. I will try next time 90 grams of abv to about 12oz of coconut oil.. I wanna get blasted while chewing next time LOL[/QUOTE
Sorry to hear lol, didn’t realize thi
Sorry banned for 2 weeks for idk what.. but I steeped in the jar with coconut oil for 43 HOURS!!! yes 43 hours!!!.. It came out to 1 cup of canna-oil.. (using 60grams of abv)..I made a batch of Ghiradelli (however u spell it) cookies well let says I gave it to 3 of my co workers.. all with different tolerance levels.. All gave me the thumbs up and 2 of them were willing to pay money for more cookies LOL.. My experience I ate about half tray of brownies of 1/2cup of oil used (approx 30grams abv).. While it didn't bother me much except for the fact.. it was really hard to stay awake later on at night when I usually like to stay up late.. So long story short.. I felt some body affects.. totally much better effectiveness~ than my first time trying to do this.. and would recommend anyone to try using this method.. the water curing for 8 days definitely helped..and the 43 hours definitely helped.. In my opinion my oil went from a light brown to a darker brown after 24 hours of steeping.. Did not change much color IMO after 24 hours of steeping.. stop at 43 hours b/c i didnt have any more time.. Great results.. I will try next time 90 grams of abv to about 12oz of coconut oil.. I wanna get blasted while chewing next time LOL
Thats lame af, sorry to hear. Didn’t realize you could even get banned on here lmao. I also gave some away to co-workers and friends to get their opinion on it and they all enjoyed the buzz as well as myself. One of the people baked with the oil bc his lady didn’t like the taste, said he got a buzz but not heavy. I gave him a bit more and told him to just swallow and he got back with me with a whole diff outcome then when he had baked with the oil. He’s a daily smoker but doesn’t get his hands on good quality nugs much unless I’m around. I’d still consider for you to try it that way also. That’s a lot of hours put into it lol, i think i had maybe 10 hours in my infusion process. Glad you got results atleast this time


Well-Known Member
I'm using a sousvide and everything says 4-8 hours, but on here it seems you're all cooking for SIGNIFCANTLY longer, 24-48 hours.. I was going to take mine out, I think I'll wait though til at least 24 hours from NOW lol.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone.

It's been a while since my last update.

A cook from not long ago.

My latest cook I tried something different again.
This time I used double boilers. I wanted to keep the cannabis and oil away from the hot plate which reaches 250-300 degrees c just to maintain a simmer. Don't want to degrade the canaboids with to much prolonged heat.
Also to help reduce oil losses I presoaked the cannabis in warm water before adding the coconut oil.
With the cook temp it was low and slow. Inner pot running about 90 degrees c for 7 hours.

The results have been very positive.
Close to 100% of the oil reclaimed. The oil was cleaner than in the past. Not as green and not tasting of chlorophyl so much. Started with 200g of primo bud and pulled 400g of infused oil with this cook.
The best part the sativa characteristics really shine. A capsule with about .75g turns the daily stroll into a power walk.
:science: :rockon:
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Active Member
Oh dude I have been looking to make up some canna-coconut oil for a while now, I frequently use it for cooking and this would be my first time infusing it. Really like your recipe here, very similar to when I make cannabutter. Definitely going to get this made now!

I might be getting the magic butter machine. Does anyone know if it works with coconut oil? I am assuming it does.


Active Member
Hi Everyone.

It's been a while since my last update.

A cook from not long ago.

The results have been very positive.
Close to 100% of the oil reclaimed. The oil was cleaner than in the past. Not as green and not tasting of chlorophyl so much. Started with 200g of primo bud and pulled 400g of infused oil with this cook.
The best part the sativa characteristics really shine. A capsule with about .75g turns the daily stroll into a power walk.
:science: :rockon:

Wait instead of making cooking items you put the oil into a capsule? Do you put it into the fridge after. Can you show us the techniques, materials, you used for filling the capsules.
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Well-Known Member
Wait instead of making cooking items you put the oil into a capsule? Do you put it into the fridge after. Can you show us the techniques, materials, you used for filling the capsules.

Yes. I use capsules as they provide a more consistent dose.
To fill the capsules I pour a thin film (3-5mm) of oil onto a saucer then cool it in the fridge. When it has hardened up I get the large end of the capsule and use it cookie cutter style on the oil until it is full. Then refrigerate.


Cultured Curmudgeon
I don't have a crock-pot (which I'm assuming is a slow cooker?) but have access to an electric rice cooker. Anyone familiar with these? Any ideas for modification and/or improvisation?


New Member
I don't have a crock-pot (which I'm assuming is a slow cooker?) but have access to an electric rice cooker. Anyone familiar with these? Any ideas for modification and/or improvisation?
I used a rice cooker once before i got my crockpot, not reccommended but i set mine on the "keep warm setting" and basically just used the same method, cooked it for about 18 hours, turned out decent in a batch of rice krispies.
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Well-Known Member
Y’all ever use abv for edibles? I have almost 16oz worth of abv in a mason jar from all my TM use. Never used abv for an edible though!

Modnote: This post and the 2 following were moved from the TinyMight thread. :)
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Well-Known Member
Y’all ever use abv for edibles? I have almost 16oz worth of abv in a mason jar from all my TM use. Never used abv for an edible though!
Yes but the taste is not so great. Ive been uncomfortably toasted from an abv edible.


Well-Known Member
Y’all ever use abv for edibles? I have almost 16oz worth of abv in a mason jar from all my TM use. Never used abv for an edible though!

I make edibles all the time ,do it right and you get Potent canna butter , canna oil.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Not sure why these were added to this specific thread? @vtac they are more broad
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
I don't put the oil in the actual crock pot. I put it in a mason jar with the ABV... then place the mason jar in crock pot or saucepan of water. You can put a dishcloth/washcloth under the jar also. Coconut oil is great since you can do so many things with it (topical, cooking, baking, capsules, etc).
I'm a little baffled about some peoples fear of the law still. I know a guy who smoked pot and liked it when he was a teen, and now that he is almost 50 and is still a virgin, he will not enjoy weed or grow it even though he live in a secluded tree area. He does not drink, he does not have sex and he does not smoke or even consume chocolate, and the one thing he can do for fun, he will not because it is against federal law, even though it is state legal for medicinal use and it is decriminalized where I live. This poor guy will, live rest of life without any thing to give him pleasure. All cause federal law.

And yet here we are not only enjoying this stuff, but finding ways to enjoy the ABV. Sometimes it makes me wonder why some people follow every specific law to the letter, and for what in the end? Time living a life that could have been spent unlawful and lived to it's fullest.
Thank you greatly for the information you’ve provided! Do you close the lid on the mason jar?
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