Micro-Climate Mastermind
Saw this and forgot to respond, musta been

Thank you for posting those pics they were a major key in me figuring out that they were the same as kanger.Hello, I am the guy that broke apart the e*skillet cart. Thank you for your info, it helps a lot. Every head shop in town sells the e*skillet and charge $20 for extra carts, way too much!!!! The skillet itself is a great vape pen but the ego-c 1000 gives me a much better hit.
Saw this and forgot to respond, musta beenfrom dabs that night lol, it's a lot like that one but has the air tube in the middle (maybe an 1/8"
) which I think is elevated off the bottom deck a bit to help prevent clogs and a cpl smaller holes then that cart has for the oil to seep down to the heater. The heater directly below the deck holding the oil has the appearance from I see of a plated heat exchanger like a radiator coil kinda that I can see glow. I'll try and snap a pic when I fill it next.
No that's an atomizer right not a cartomizer? I have one of those with my ego but this one is a cart
Long time lurker first time posting. Thought that this would be the most appropriate place since I only have experience with my e*skillet. For a poor man's setup this pen has impressed me. After a thorough iso soak and and a day to dry, I loaded up the cart with some nyc diesel bho(sap like consistency ). The results were unexpected. Extremely large clouds were coming out and taste was not effected by any "phantom vapors".
Big thanks to everyone who posted in this thread. Your knowledge cut my learning curve in half. It's all about priming the cart and keeping them clean.
This dab is for you guys and gals! Cheers
Also wondering if anyone has burnt out any carts?
I have been using the same 2 for over a month and they still work pretty good.
I think regular cleaning is important for longevity.
I would highly recommend the dart if you can find one. I have looked everywhere for them with no luck. The kanger seems like a decent pricepoint cart.Well I broke my anonymous cart last nite, it was my fault. It had been leaking just a teeny bit out the bottom seal and I went to take it off cold last nite and the positive bushing/post stuck to my battery disconnecting a wire internally. Guess I need to get figure something out now either a dart (if I can find one) or kanger for my 510 setup maybe
Thats sucks!Well I broke my anonymous cart last nite, it was my fault. It had been leaking just a teeny bit out the bottom seal and I went to take it off cold last nite and the positive bushing/post stuck to my battery disconnecting a wire internally. Guess I need to get figure something out now either a dart (if I can find one) or kanger for my 510 setup maybe
I would highly recommend the dart if you can find one. I have looked everywhere for them with no luck. The kanger seems like a decent pricepoint cart.
I had a some trouble myself. The power button in my battery got stuck in the "on position" during a sesh. I had not noticed until after a few rips. There was vapor pouring out and the unit was scorching hot! Only a few minor burns trying to save my precious oil! Happy it didn't explode on me.
Exactly as I said too. d9 carts dont taste as good as kanger either.(my opinion)Ya i am looking for a DART if i can. I may just get a omi to 510 adapter and throw a 1.5 cart on but my D9 carts dont taste as good as my anonymous one did .....i dunno guess i am gonna pick up some cherry pie oil and contemplate my options i guess lol
Happy to say my bro will be replacing the defective e*skillet. I couldn't have asked for better or quicker service. You know who you are! Cheers for taking care of my issue.
No it's a metal air tube I think I'll tear it up this weekend and take pictures to try and identify what it is. I have put about 3/4 of a g in at once. Any more then that and the oil blocks the airway and is a pita to clear because of the all the thick oil on top. It's got like a plate/deck with three small holes and the air tube that portudes about 1/4" I would guess above the deck. Afaik there's no wick unless its in the heater below the deck
Yes. Steez hooked me up. Can't wait to get a new battery. My lv dart is loaded and lonely. Hope the demand for revolution/dart will bring it back into production.Sweet!!!
You talking about steve johnson the owner of "e*skillet"?