Lol...I spent part of my weekend sending emails & faxes to NY Health Committee members. Yesterday spent on phone calling them and I'm not even in NY

Good news is they received A LOT of calls, faxes and emails..hopefully they may table this for now due to response which would give them time to read up...maybe look into the FDA court battle, etc.
FDA's appeal was rejected yesterday so that is AWESOME!!!!!
Anyhow, my Darwin shipped this morning...looking forward. It's not cartomizers only, you can use any 510/306 atty or carto on it...others too with adapters. I'm not a juice feed fan, I like dripping my LR306's.
Recently got the Provari and it is an AWESOME device...made me put down my Fistpack and I didn't think anything would make me do that.
For new folks I agree something like an eGo is a good place to start but I think it's the LR atomizers that really make them work well enough to step away from the smokes. I too like the drip tips with 'em.
Keep it up folks, glad to see more making the switch