Thanks bigbowlvapor
Im looking for a dry herb cart to fit a 510 connection.I dont wanna buy a whole kit.looking for a herb cart that works well and does an even vape.They will be popular soon as soon as they ve work how to do it.I guess though trying to get herbcart to vape temp will put a lot of strain on lithium batteries but I m sure someone will figure it out eventually.
I had a look at those juices nice but $95 for shipping whew.So I ordered gandalf ejuice and a few others from heathers heavenly vapes $4 shipping

and next ill order the long bottom leaf i think from epipemods
Well my vmax arrived and i m sold on VV its so good to be able to drop or raise temps when your e liquid isnt tasting how you want or throat hit is a little weak/strong.
the Vmax V4 with the vivi mini nova is a beaut combo.I ve spent the last week or so with it so not enough time but enough that I ve got to know it.Ive used it a lot.Ummm maybe way too much actually

its right here with me now.
the vmax is rock solid and pretty heavy.its beautifully finished.real heavy SS,awesome quality for a cheap sub$100 mod.I 'm surprised provari haven't spat the dummy out over it.I m being careful not to drop it because of the electronics inside.Im also just screwing the tank down enough so it connects.I heard there wre problems with the earlier models from screwing tanks/cartos down too much.Its a real nice unit ,nice spinning solid clicky button good threads and a nice juice well around the 510 connection.No ego connection though which for me was good because i did nt have to use the adapter to cover the ego threads.battery time for me is a day comfortably on two 18350 batts stacked.There are five vent holes in the bottom of the unit.It stands up too but the slightest movement and it will fall over.its machined and rounded so not as stable as it could be.
heads turn when you use thing on the street,it is a little on the large side but hey its a small price to pay for using such a nice device

someones gotta do it
I like that the vivi rebuildable tank has no plastic wiring inside and you can rebuild em quick as flash too, under 5 minutes start to finish with minimal tools.PBusardi does a nice youtube on the vivi tank and how to rewick etc.
I ve been vaping heavy dark coffee blends and cinnamon choco with ease which would have ruined my cartos.Its best to dismantle and rinse the insides wick etc between fills.My place smells like a cake shop

.still on the same element that came with it, a week or so ago.real clean and fresh taste too.
I m moving into darker tobacco strains next and looking at organic tobacco juices.
will post when my gandalf and other juices arrive