Dberm said:Yea I mainly want the variable voltage because I havent seen an ecig unit with it yet and I feel like this may be the key to unlocking the potential of an ecig.
If I got an eGo/riva now, would it be cheaper for me to get the "ego booster" VV attatchment thing or would I be better off spending the money on a real battery mod?
And I dont smoke actually, but I vaporize enough herb as is that I wouldnt mind having a nice unit if I knew it would work.
BigDankNug said:HEY EVERYONE!!
quick Q -
I have an Vapor King Storm series E-cigg and the T style Vapor King (latest models- liquid fill models - no fiber filling) Love them- great vape excellant batt life - quite combustion completely! ( pack a day smoker)
now after a solid month of vaping the atomizers have become almost impossible to draw thru!! now i use them very freq and keep them clean - use only quality nicotine E-liquids - but id thought they would last longer than a month! I mean a new atomizer is 15 bucks and at 10$ a pack for ciggs a day you cant beat that conversion ( along with being much healthier) so I not considering the switch back just maybe to a more expensive model?? is this common for these atomizers to shit the bed like this?? I found Vapor King to be a pretty quality product but it is also my first E-Cigg venture ( other brands look cheap )
also these THC liqs sounds very tempting!!
Love my E-cigg - love to vape- FUCK COMBUSTION!!!!
BigDankNug said:hmmmm yea i havent been able to find any vapor king e-cigg goodies on amazon just from their home site and a local shop i know both 15$ unfortunalty.
interresting choice i was just on avidvaper.com and they have a great selection great prices also ( i see what your saying about price) I didnt see any starter kits that included that HH.357 atty - do you just have to piece it together al-a-cart?? ahaha im also wondering if these different attys and drip tips would be compatable with my Vapor King models - the connections look very similiar :/ i need to do some more research i guess with all these ohm ratings and such ive never dealt with. Love the idea of being able to mod my own E-Cigg to really customize my vaping experience!!!
BigDankNug said:WELL just got off the phone with Vapor King CS and was told that their atomizers should last 6 months - up to a year!!! wow really?? both mine have died within 1 month of freq usuagethose are some high expectations!!!
Was told that defective merch could be exchanged up to 60 days from purchase - their own website and the brick-mortar i bought from both say 30 days from purchase ( i am 37 days past purchase). hmm well i was told to go to the store and they would exchange with no problems(after all Vapor King is the boss right?).... WE WILL SEE on my way now to store - will update
- also side note- they had no idea what size the thread was on the atty or the batt ends - so still no idea if they are HH.357 510 compatable ( mixed emotions on customer relations at this point- hopefully my exchange goes thru)
*** UPDATE ***
-well the store claimed that they buy from a wholesaler and are not affiliated with Vapor King dirrectly and therefor set their own warranty and return/exchange policies -
- was able to get 1 of the atomizers exchanged ( still in 30 day period) - and recieved an additional 30 day warranty on the replacement! ( prices were less than VK.com only 10 for an atty - better i guess-)
- also the employee confirmed that the thread on the atty and batt are indeed a 510 guage and should be compatable with some of those HH.357 ! Just ordered 1 looking to see how they compare!!