Dual 18650 Power House


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about kydex holsters/sheaths like those knife guys often make for themselves. Something like that, particularly for the mini-14 would be pretty awesome. You'd fit it so the unit "clicked" in and out of place, it would be sweet. Could have extra stem and batt storage in it too.


Well-Known Member
Not to drag this out any more in the wrong thread, but yeah, except storing stem separate is another thing in the pocket for me, and I like all in one (though if a spare battery is needed youre carrying something separate anyway, but sometimes you don't need one with this efficiency). Personally would have no trouble with a triangle in my pocket vs flat (and itd be even less of an obtrusive triangle with a 14mm slot instead of an 18650 slot) but I also really really really hate tight pants personally...

Don't lie man, we all know you rock the skinny jeans :)


Putin is a War Criminal
This will help you on posting pics.

RBT has seemed willing and able to consider a number of variations. And he definitely likes the Steam Punk look. Once there is lots of money incoming, which I am confident there will be as the Zion is SO good :), there is no telling what he and TKW (with all of our suggestions) will come up with. If there is one thing that RBT and TKW are NOT, that would be stuck on a narrow path and unwilling to step off of it.


Well-Known Member
Def love the steam punk look. Admittedly the fire button probly would make it much better when paired to a tube. ...

But. ..

Damn does it look good... really really dig them without the button!

Now get back to work @RastaBuddhaTao
:whip::whip: still don't have one in my hands dang it!
:rofl: sorry. I suck at waiting.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Don't lie man, we all know you rock the skinny jeans :)

Haha now don't you get me started!:rant:
Can't breath with cuffs/inseam cut so skinny like that, today's pant styles drive me nuts!

Now tight pants on women is another story...
Maybe they're on to something with leggings for men though :rolleyes::p

I love my Solo but I find hard ripping it, whilst talking and holding in multiple hits continually. I hope the Zion family hits more like when combusting; rip & talk or, rip & hold for a few secs, then talk, but without heating up the load/unit... :2c:

No need to hope there sir, that is exactly what its like, again perfect evolution for someone coming from a Solo, which gets more and more frustrating after its honeymoon phase imo


Well-Known Member
Skeletal cast-type body, lookin kinda hotty


how about with chrome plated battery tube inserts and black glass? Many options become available when constructed like this.


80's style

All bow to the master of the 3D world... now that's HD.

It reminds me of your idea of the skeleton matrix heater holder for the Zion. Basically take the front off of this and slap it on the wood battery box of the Zion maybe with some Zen elements? This thing would look amazing in just raw SS or Anodized Aluminum to play off the glass. If we could fab it out of laser cut plates with like brass rod connectors we would need next to no tooling... or work glass or plates in that we could LED backlight?

Sick man... so sick. You really outdid yourself this time. I'm rocking the 80's look myself.

I like 'em.

Looks good in cherry, but, something, I don't know...





Hmmmm if only there wasn't a professional custom stem guy on this site... ya know, one with killer customer service, exotic woods, killer custom designed stems built to customers specifications.... hmmmm know anyone like that @Ed's TnT ????
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Hmmmm if only there wasn't a professional custom stem guy on this site... ya know, one with killer customer service, exotic woods, killer custom designed stems built to customers specifications.... hmmmm know anyone like that @Ed's TnT ????

Yeah I was just thinking, any reason it could be a completely wooden 18mm male joint like the Ascent 14mm WonGs instead of GonGs:

Or would it not be a good idea to have a wooden bowl? With the pure convection I'm not sure its really a problem, like Daisy/Lily's wooden bowls, but is it too close to the heating element and risky? Maybe only for lower voltages?

I suppose it could be this exact 14mm WonG, and I could try turning my 18-14 reducer into a glass bowl ontop of the wood like I did with my 14mm GonG perhaps... But who knows lol better to have something made special

And wow these skeletal frames are really neat @thekarmawhore , we all love the wood but this is a really cool option that can satisfy those who prefer metal, and super lightweight like that I'm sure as well. Some day....

Mr. Whitewall

Well-Known Member
YES mate! :tup: I'm with you on that one:


How about a nice brass-looking fire button to go with them rods, if possible? :drool:

I'm also digging your designs! Brushed Ti, black (again, with golden rods/button) wood (maybe different types/colors/hardness sandwiched in?) diamond plate...
Black just looks very 'generic' not only 'S&B-ish' to me... Then again it may add to the stealth factor, hiding in plain sight type of device.

The 'click-in' holster/sheath for it is just perfect IMO!
I personally wouldn't mind having a separate battery pack attachment either (i.e: to fit on a belt on the opposite side of where vape is) if fitting it all together is too problematic?
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@thekarmawhore loving all the skeletal stuff. I wish I had your CAD abilities I would have to free hand everything. The only problem with using wood is it's loss of strength along the grain when thin. Not a serious problem and easily overcome with the right wood and thickness. I can see the appeal of all of them.
This is an old stainless Vamo battery end cap and tube that I've been messing around with for a little project I've been trying to complete.


There are extension tubes available so the whole battery could be encased they lend themselves nicely to the chrome sleeve idea or full Ti version and could be used to make the top face cleaner if they were utilized on the bottom face.
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