I've never done any kind of extraction but when I learned of the dry ice method, I decided to do a run. I used a total of 2 1/2 - 3 OZ's of trim/leaf/shake/bud. After viewing many tutorials, I ordered bags(220 and 190 micron), purchased some dry ice and.....wow! That was too easy. Results? First run through the 190 micron bag yielded 11G of blond kif. Ran it again and got another 4G but this time it was significantly greener so I ended the extraction there. I'll try both and report on effects.
Some observations: glad I went with the 190 bag and next time will go down to 160 or lower. I'm not interested in quantity, it's quality I'm after. Naturally, using a 220 bag and shaking longer and harder will yield far more for those more interested in quantity. FYI, I've seen someone use a 73 micron bag with excellent results. Props to snew as I tried the run w/o first shaking everything and when I flipped to do the extraction, I was gentle. And, as per his suggestion, I just broke everything up with my fingers, not too fine. Also, I kept the material in the freezer until extraction time. Sure enough....very light blond kif. As I started shaking hard, out came the green.
Gonna try some of that blond kif later....should prove interesting.
Thanks to darkrom for starting this thread which provided the kick in the ass I needed.