I just took a hour and 45 minute road trip...
Took a few dabs before I left home.
Vaped 3 full sessions with the crafty until it died (15 minutes each at 405°F)
A half bowl in the pax2 until it died
I also took 2 (additional) dabs (no torch) one at the beginning and one at the end
After the 2nd bowl in the crafty I almost thought I was too baked, but the 3rd bowl did little to the level I was already on
I drove mostly freeway with some stop and go and bridge traffic.
In the beginning I was driving 80-90 mph to keep up with the flow of traffic.
After that 3rd bowl I started driving 65 mph (the speed limit) just because I was thinking 'What's the rush'
Did vaping make me more responsible?
Also should note there were multiple police on the road, so I assume they thought I was driving okay too.
I am in no way condoning others drive high too.
I am merely suggesting that all of our brains process things differently.
My cannabis use does not affect my motor skills when on the road, to a degree I can't contol.
If I did feel too impaired, I value my life enough to pull over until safe.
My peripheral vision was fine too
This was a single controlled experiment, preformed by someone who wants to see REAL debate.
Speculation is meant for movies such as 'Reefer Madness'
Everything that's truth has proof.
Here is a little of mine.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone.
If it does I apologize in advance.
If you have some personal insight to share regarding my actions, talk WITH me not AT me