Keep up the speeding & tailgating folks ! Shit happens in a split second and the human brain needs time to react (approximately up to 1.5 seconds under optimal concentration/attention) to avoid catastrophes, and then you still are taxed to avoid the presented situation !
I speak from experience twice in my life time being on the receiving end..... The 1st I was lucky (and young), the second not so much and left permanently disabled and the person at fault extremely poorer. I may now be financially set til the end of this life, but I'd trade it all back for the opportunity to be whole and worthwhile again !
Just think.... It could be YOU in these shoes (either), that becomes damaged or dead, in the poor house and/or distraught at taking a life (accidentally or not) for the sake of arriving a tiny bit earlier than you would have driving normally and within the law.
Leave earlier, relax and enjoy your ability to travel, and most importantly.... BE SAFE ! so that the word tomorrow isnt just another word in the dictionary.
Just sayin