Well it seems all the horrible things in life are catching up to us. Codex, chem-trails, Fluoride, and mercury are controlling society as we know it. Mercury and fluoride lower the populations IQ (as if shit isn't programmed enough to do that to the majority of the population already)
We get injected with loads of mercury (flu shots) and our food will soon be controlled by a global monopoly named Codex Alimentarius. Not to mention all the Barium/Aluminum and god knows what other chemicals get sprayed in the sky's these days.
~Discovery channel 3 part series...the audio is a lil off....but its a good set of videos.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNl2LLJr1KU <--good one
Codex Alimentarius:
Now for this last one....I think its imperative that you watch all 5 parts before forming an opinion. What she says is 100% truth.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrF9KjlGsc <-----please please please give this a try...if not interested in watching a video then shoot over to http://www.healthfreedomusa.org to see the facts/summary's on how codex is trying to take over the world. As it stands codex pretty much runs most of it. People WILL die by the masses if we dont take a stand and do something.
I see chem trails on the daily...I have even seen con-trails flying around the same area when I see these chemical trails....they look like fat ploomy streaks that wouldn't dissipate..it just seems to stay streaked in the sky and kind of linger there for a long time. If you spend long enough you can even see it slowly break apart as it rains down its tasty chemicals.
These trails are used for weather modification(barium and aluminum flakes if sprayed in the sky will reflect the suns rays further slowing the process of global warming) ...and the second theory is population control. makes Perfect sense...too many people on this earth. The big times that run this world need to cut back on our overall intake. They need to reduce our numbers. This is happening globally by the way. Search around online if you dont believe me.
Heres a scary vid. Senior Bush telling us how our earth is going to be run. Envisioning a "New World Order"
what say you...FC :/
edit//// Sign the citizens petition To shut down Codex. We need to stand up and unite! Don't let big time corporations take over our well being just for their benefit.
We get injected with loads of mercury (flu shots) and our food will soon be controlled by a global monopoly named Codex Alimentarius. Not to mention all the Barium/Aluminum and god knows what other chemicals get sprayed in the sky's these days.
~Discovery channel 3 part series...the audio is a lil off....but its a good set of videos.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNl2LLJr1KU <--good one
Codex Alimentarius:
Now for this last one....I think its imperative that you watch all 5 parts before forming an opinion. What she says is 100% truth.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmrF9KjlGsc <-----please please please give this a try...if not interested in watching a video then shoot over to http://www.healthfreedomusa.org to see the facts/summary's on how codex is trying to take over the world. As it stands codex pretty much runs most of it. People WILL die by the masses if we dont take a stand and do something.
http://www.myspace.com/cochemtrails <---- local myspace page called "chem-trails over Colorado"estimated by the WHO (World Health Organization) & FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) projects that just the codex Vitamin&mineral guideline ALONE will cause a minimum of 3 billion deaths soon after implication. 1 billion though simple starvation...how much can you buy when your at the bottom of the barrel...not much. Ah then the next 2 billion die from preventable diseases. Cancer, cardio-vascular disease, diabetes ect. ect. All HUGE money makers for corporations to make bank off of.
I see chem trails on the daily...I have even seen con-trails flying around the same area when I see these chemical trails....they look like fat ploomy streaks that wouldn't dissipate..it just seems to stay streaked in the sky and kind of linger there for a long time. If you spend long enough you can even see it slowly break apart as it rains down its tasty chemicals.
These trails are used for weather modification(barium and aluminum flakes if sprayed in the sky will reflect the suns rays further slowing the process of global warming) ...and the second theory is population control. makes Perfect sense...too many people on this earth. The big times that run this world need to cut back on our overall intake. They need to reduce our numbers. This is happening globally by the way. Search around online if you dont believe me.
Heres a scary vid. Senior Bush telling us how our earth is going to be run. Envisioning a "New World Order"
what say you...FC :/
edit//// Sign the citizens petition To shut down Codex. We need to stand up and unite! Don't let big time corporations take over our well being just for their benefit.