Vaped Crusader/Serial Vapist
I was just sitting here wondering if I am the only one who finds that I've actually started using MORE MMJ since primarily move to vapes? Not because vapes use a lot of herbs, as i can attest to their conservative uses( less than .5g for a week in the MFLB
), but because it is simply such an enjoyable experience to sit and enjoy puffing clouds of pure flavor. As opposed to taking a max of three or so rips of a bong(combustion days) before coughing up a lung, and when you cough from a bong, YOU COUGH
, then leave it alone for a while........this even applies the joints/pipes, eventually its not even nice. But with vaporizing its a whole other story, I could sit sit here all day medicating, a cough from a vape is but a tickle
, refill after refill there is no limit but self discipline.......... and stash, at least for me. The avb jar is ever so deep, and some times I cant help but feel like somewhere driving along the vaporization road, conservation got thrown out the metaphorical window
sorry for the rambling.......
would love to hear your experiences

sorry for the rambling.......
would love to hear your experiences