I noticed that as I and many of my acquaintances reached their 50's and beyond some started to complain they didn't feel like they slept and/or didn't get restful sleep. Funny thing is I've noticed that they did sleep. For example.....I know a few folks who will take a nap on a weekend for a few hours and then say they didn't actually fall asleep. My response..... Really? Then what was all that snoring and drooling going on?

AND then that night these same folks will complain they can't get to sleep. Well....maybe it's that "Snoring, drooling, not sleeping" nap you took earlier in the day
The new smartwatches that monitor sleep can be a real eye opener (Pun not intended) too. Sometimes I check the sleep log and notice that what I thought I got in terms of sleep is different than what actually happened.
Guess what I'm trying to say is for me .... cannabis, unless it's a Sativa, helps me to get to sleep and stay there. Dreaming and REM state aside....I get more restful sleep with cannabis.