Does anyone know of a good glass baking dish


I ° The Magician
I am looking for one that is glass on glass and has an airtight seal. I know for it to work it would probably need silicone.

I did a search on the internet, didnt come up with much, does something like this exist. I can imagine if its airtight while baking it can probably build up pressure and explode.

I have a glass pyrex bowl with glass and silicone lid, but for some reason when I bake in it, the part of the lid becomes more flexible and ends up going right inside the bowl, no matter how well I fix it before hand. Though it says that all parts are oven safe.

Im going to be using this to decarb and then bake in it.

Recommendations and suggestions welcomed.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Are you worried about smell? If so, you can wrap the whole pyrex in an oven bag.

Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes.

Once you have made your edible there is no need to cover it when it cooks, there is no cannabis smell.
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