Does a product containing high thc but low thca still need to be decarb?


New Member
I have CO2 oil that has been tested. The levels of THC are 83.95 but the THCA is only at .84. So anyway everywhere ive read says that you need to decarb your product to turn THCA into THC. So my question is if my oil already has abundant THC and low THCA do I still need to decarboxylate the oil?

Here is a Screen shot of the Certificate of Analysis for the CO2 oil im asking about.

So as you can see the THC is already high so do i need to decarb this oil. Ive decarbed high THCA waxes in the past but they had low THC analysis, this is just the opposite. So do you still need to decarb your cannabis product if the THC is already there in high numbers?
Thank you
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