Do you Revape Material?


Well-Known Member
In some vapes such as the MFLB or Solo, I notice that the herb tends to get more roasted and extracted compared to desktop units like Da Buddha. I have a ton of herb saved that has been lightly vaped (ranging in color from green to gold) and am out of fresh. I took a couple hits of the ABV and while I'm not getting as thick of vapor it's getting me stoned as hell! :science: Very nice buzz in the head and body like smoking a good Indica hybrid, where as vaping freshly ground buds goes straight to my head (the effects are more heady even with Indica hybrids!)

Does anybody else ever revape their material?


If in a real pinch I might consider, but I would have to be in some hard times... I'd rather extract what is left into edibles than try to revape.


For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
I've done it before when I run out of fresh and can't get more for a few days... It definitely does work in a pinch! One of the many reasons why I love vaping!
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Its Just Temporary
I don't,but from what my better half tells me it works well for "cramps"
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